I’m bringing this out of the replies because I didn’t want to break it up.
But everyonce and a while I need to ask y’all to read posts more carefully. Because funny enough I think we’re on the same page. But judging by the start of your first sentence you seem to have misenterpreted my post.
That post never said Alma didn’t have trauma. Rather I was trying to make the point that losing her husband, her home, and having her kids all in the same day at the ripe age of 20. Along with being forced into a leader role all in a 24 hour window (something the director pretty much confirmed when he said they fled the same day as she had the triplets). And that even in a modern day situation that would cause a hell of a lot of problems.
Than you factor in location and time period and it becomes a lot more difficult. And it explains a lot about how things were with her and the movie plot.
Hell that was the whole point. I was expressing sympathy that she was trust into a shitty situation that she couldn’t turn to anyone about her trauma.
Because a lot of people who go after Alma seem to miss that point. Like is the trauma response great? No. Anything involving generational trauma isn’t. Even if she had a valid reason for her trauma.
But it puts a lot of things in context when you realize all of the above.
Also I have trauma from last summers mess. And I have trauma from when I was 9. I’ve lived overseas also. I know more than most American that different cultures handle trauma a lot different than others.