And Alma is dressed in a maroon-ish tone, which makes her stand out being the head of the family
Also, Bruno (not pictured) dresses in green because he is the brother of Julieta and Pepa, therefore a mixture of the blues and yellows of both sides. His color also stands out from everyone else, being cast out of the family.
I’m not sure if there is any meaning to the individual colors, but I think it’s such a cool detail! (Or I am reading way too much into this)
Okay, so I was scrolling through the Bruno Madrigal tags as usual and I just want to talk about this moment:
So Bruno has confronted his fear of seeing his mother again, he finally gets to reunite with his sisters and what is his first instinct?
He tries to wave.
He hasn’t seen his sisters in ten years (at least face to face.) He’s heard the family make him out to be some villain. They don’t even say his name. He doesn’t know where they stand. He got lucky with his mother but Pepa and Julieta?
Knowing Pepa, he’s probably expecting her to explode at him. As she runs at him, he looks at her with concern or fear. So many scenarios run through his head.
But instead, she hugs him.
And, of course, he’s completely confused for a moment. During the scene with Mirabel and his new vision, he can’t even recognise what a hug is.
But both his sisters hug him. He probably thinks they hate him for leaving and maybe other things from their past. But they don’t. They’re just so happy to have him back.
Even when Bruno hugs back, it seems mechanical, like he’s trying to remember the stages of how to give a hug.
He’s been deprived of contact for so long and even though he doesn’t fully grasp it now, he will.