Just watched Encanto for the second time and in conclusion there is so much comedic potential for after the movie when Bruno is home again. Example:
*Bruno and Camilo running into each other in the kitchen*
Camilo: I think I hear my name–
Bruno: no bc why were you telling people I was seven feet tall. What was that about. You’ve seen me stand next to my sisters, I’m shorter than both of them. I don’t know whether to be offended or flattered.
Bruno: these walls aren’t that thick and also you have some serious fucking pipes
why is no one talking about the possibilities of the madrigal family lowkey being cryptids like???? encanto gothic is RIGHT THERE
it’s sunny. suddenly it isn’t. suddenly it is. suddenly it’s raining. hard. lighting is everywhere. you’re terrified to step outside
your future has been seen. you cannot do anything to change it. it’s known. it is out of your hands. there’s nothing you can do, except hold the green glass in your hands
you break your hand. you eat an arepa. your hand is working again. perfectly. too perfectly.
you whisper a secret. you know she’s listening. you know she knows, and she knows you know. you look at her across the town and ask her under your breath to not tell a soul. she knows everything you’ve every said
the rock is 10 times your size, and it’s flying into the air, like a feather. she catches it and snaps it because it is a feather in her hands. it’s a rock, and if you tried to catch it, it would snap you
you look across the street and see yourself, walking the other way. talking to other people. you hear your own voice in your ears. you disappear in the crowd
there are flowers everywhere. between the cracks in the sidewalks and inside walls and busting outside of pots. you’re afraid to touch it in case it’ll break. it grows bigger and stronger and taller than you
the birds are flying in a perfect pattern. they dive in synchronization. it’s too perfect. they land in order. they chirp and he answers. he’s sitting on a tiger. the tiger looks at you and you walk away
I wonder if Mirabel is the favorite Madrigal for most of the town.
Because while there’s some obvious pity there for her being the only born Madrigal without a gift she’s still, well, the only born Madrigal without a gift. The only Madrigal that’s like the rest of them.
I mean clearly Encanto is a close community and they all love the Madrigal’s for how they help the town but they’re still a bunch of super powered people in an isolated place. It wouldn’t surprise me if at some point down the line they started being looked at with some fear, like what was already happening with Bruno.
It’s like that one post that talked about the potential of “Encanto Gothic” and the unsettlingness of the Madrigal’s gifts. Like there are some things that can be turned to fear or can be used the see the family as gods.
Never say anything bad about the Madrigal’s, they will always know. Your secrets are never really secret for she hears all.
Are you sure you really know who you’re looking at? How can you ever be sure if it’s truly your mother or friend you’re speaking to. You see your brother joking and laughing with another you down the road, he doesn’t seem to realize its not you.
Don’t invoke the wrath of the middle triplet, lest you want a hurricane to appear at the drop of a hat and blow you away.
Dont upset the youngest, he may be all thats keeping the jaguar from eating us all.
Nothing can get in or out of Encanto thanks to those mountains, the Madrigal magic made sure of it.
But then you have Mirabel. Who’s giftless like the rest of the town. Who is clumsy and a bit awkward. Who reminds them that the Madrigal’s are still human. That they, while blessed with incredible abilities, aren’t gods separate from everyone else.
While the town was probably very confused and concerned when Mirabel didn’t get a gift, there was still likely some subconscious relief and a bit more appreciation for her.
Rating the Madrigals on how likely I could beat them in a fight
Alma: 9/10. She’s an old woman and is very fragile, I could probably body her without hesitation. The only reason she’s not a 10/10 is because I would feel guilty about it. The reason she’s 9/10 is because I wouldn’t feel that guilty.
Pepa: 4/10. Once I land a hit I’ll probably get struck by lightning and end up fucking dead. Not a good way to go. If she didn’t have her gift I could probably get a few good hits in, but she seems pretty feral. Would try to tear my ears off.
Julieta: 7.5/10. I have fought both verbally and physically with people who love to cook on several occasions. As long as she’s not in the kitchen, I win this fight. Points taken off because if I hurt her Luisa will probably rip my spine out.
Agustín: 100/10. I swing on him. He dodges and tries to swing back. Somehow he punches a beehive instead. Victory is mine.
Félix: 5/10, he looks pretty hardy and honestly it would probably come down to who lands the first hit.
Luisa: 3/10. It’s likely that if I challenged her to a fight she’d refuse, and therefore I would win. But if I did fight her it would be over embarrassingly quick. She could tear a grown man in half, I wouldn’t stand a chance.
Dolores: 10/10. She seems like the type to try to pull hair during a fight which would leave her torso wide open, and her gift probably wouldn’t help her that much. Unless she can hear the punch coming, which I doubt. Also I could probably just yell at her and watch her crumble from how sensitive her ears are.
Isabela: 1/10. She’s definitely been waiting for a chance to go apeshit. Visualize this: I swing, I punch a cactus. Then she’s growing monkshood directly from my spinal cord.
Camilo: 5/10. Just like his father it’s likely going to come down to who lands the first punch, and if he gets like. The strength of whoever he changes into. If I land a hit before he gets to shapeshift, we’re good. But if I don’t and he turns into Luisa— welp. I’m dead.
Antonio: 1/10. I drop-kick the child and immediately get gored by a rhinoceros.
Bruno: 6/10. I wish this one was a 10/10. He looks like he weighs 100 pounds soaking wet. He looks like I should be able to hit him with the one two buckle-my-shoe and watch him go down like a sack of potatoes. But no. This motherfucker is agile, parkouring through the walls of Casita. And he was living with rats for ten years. He’d probably give me bubonic plague bc I know he’d bite me if I swung on him. Would I win? Probably, but it would be hard.
Mirabel: 3/10. I could probably very easily beat the shit out of her, but she seems like the type to never go down. She’s got endurance and is probably scrappy as all hell from growing up with no powers. Like when the person you’re roughhousing with can change shape, you fight dirty. She’d probably hit me with homemade pepper spray. She’d put a bucket on my head like I’m a Skyrim NPC then bash my kneecaps in. She’s unhinged.
Casita: 0/10. Motherfucker it’s a house??????? How do you fight a house????????????
Every Madrigal has a sort of, side effect, to their gifts.
Camilo has to eat twice as much as normal and sleeps a ton because of all the energy shapeshifting needs. He also has to carry around a picture of himself, since he forgets what he looks like.
Isabela doesn’t do well in the dark. She’s slow and tired, and while she doesn’t need to eat much she does drink a lot more than anyone else.
Dolores gets overstimulated super easy, that much is obvious. After being overstimulated, however, everything goes completely silent. She can’t hear anything. Even years after it started happening she still panics.
Julieta can’t feel pain. She’ll be cooking for hours and come out of it with burns on her hands and wrists, unable to feel it. Her own cooking also doesn’t work on her as well as it would someone else. While another person’s cut will dissapear completely with her food, if she had the same cut it would simply scab over.
Bruno gets mini visions throughout the day, just small flashes of a possible future or action. He’s physically incapable of telling the difference between these mini visions and real life. He’ll be going to ask Abuela a question only to see a mini flash or her getting upset and he gets upset in turn, only for it to turn out he still had yet to ask his question. He also has frequent migraines
Pepa is physically incapable of feeling anything mildly. For her emotions it’s either all or nothing. She can’t feel just a little upset that her favourite dress has a new tear, she’s devastated to the point that everything’s flooding. She can’t be just a bit happy with the gift a family member has painstakingly made her, she’s overjoyed to the point the encanto experiences a mini drought.
Luisa doesn’t feel tired. Whether it’s the fatigue from working/exercising or even just generally feeling tired at the end of a long day, she doesn’t feel it. It’s resulted in multiple pulled muscles and passing out from lack of sleep.
Antonio has long periods of time where he can’t understand anyone but his animals, like the people around him are all speaking in a completely different language.