How the madrigals would react to someone saying “your not a real madrigal you don’t have a gift, you don’t even deserve one!” To Mirabel
Alma: would probably drag them by the ear away from Mirabel and then proceed to yell at them for being so disrespectful because she’s the one that got the magic back.
Felix: would probably just stand there with a glare and the corner them later and ask why they don’t treat him differently instead of bullying a literal 15 year old.
Julieta: she’d be pissed 100% like they would be banned from her healing stall for a while after that. Oh your arms broken? Good luck with that it’ll have to heal on its own
Pepa: She’d also be very pissed, like even though Mirabels technically her niece she might as well be her daughter. And if the person has a lighting strike them for a while after that. That’s their business
Bruno: Mirabels is the reason he’s no longer in the walls and he literally left the family just so she was safe so he’d be livid. He would probably look through as much as their future as he could and tell them every bad thing he saw
Agustin: that’s his daughter and he cares a lot about her so that wouldn’t go down well with him, I imagine he also got told that he wasn’t a madrigal when he married julieta so to hear his daughter, let’s just say they’re lucky their not dead.
Isabela: she would immediately storm over and slap them cause that her little sister their talking about I would imagine she would hit them over the head or trip them over with plants for the rest of their life just to make sure they regret it
Dolores: she’d probably overhear people talking shit about Mirabel a lot and that probably wouldn’t go well so image she’d just let as many things she could about the person write them down on a list and make Camilo to go read them out in the center of the town
Luisa: things will be thrown, when she is working it’s almost always lifting. talk shit about her sister? How about a church thrown at your head. Either that or she’d just pick them up and throw them as far away as she could
Camilo: Camilo sees Mirabel as his twin so that’s not gonna go down well. He’d throw whatever their holding at them. Also Camilo can just turn into them and start shit will people that they would have to deal with. He could destroy someone’s life with ease
Antonio: ok but like think about all the animals this kid controls, do you really think he wouldn’t tell a couple of toucans or even his leopard to go take a bite out of something? Cause he would 100% and he’d have an innocent smile the entire time
You wanna know what I love about Camilo’s bit of the song other than his amazing singing?
I doubt he genuinely thinks Bruno is like this, maybe a little bit evil with how much people hate him but not some evil villain he’s showing him as so I thinks he’s doing it to scare Mirabel into not talking about him. Considering how much the family is trying to get Mirabel to stop talking about him in the song I think this is Camilo’s way.
But even then as he’s trying to scare her and to make her stop talking about him, if you look at his movements he’s genuinely being quite gentle with Mirabel, lightly spinning her and not swinging her around as much in Delores’ and Pepas/felixs parts. And when he makes her fall as part of the song he catches her unlike how shots like that usually go where they just let them fall to the ground. When he catches her he actually seems to hold her carefully and set her down extremely gently.
Idk I just think it’s sweet that his entire part of the song is acting as a insane version of Bruno and the entire time he’s treating her carefully and making sure she’s safe and doesn’t get hurt
Ok, I need
to watch Encanto 2957950281 times more to absorb every bit of it, but in the
meantime here’s a list with some little details I loved:
—That habit
Mirabel has of wiping her hands before touching a doorknob. We see little
Mirabel do it before her magic door, excited about the upcoming gift; but 10
years later she keeps doing it, as if she had developed a subtle anxiety about
closed doors. Or perhaps she just sweats a lot, lol; Bruno’s “you’re very
sweaty” seems to back up that. It was something so mundane that I loved
GLASSES. As a short-sighted woman who’s been wearing glasses for more than 25
years, I really really really appreciated Mirabel’s glasses and all the
unconscious movements associated to them. Every time she had to readjusted her
glasses because they fell or slipped over her nose, I was like 8D (that scene in Bruno’s room with her glasses full of sand, omg)
Mirabel herself is just amazing. I was afraid they could give us the dorky-girl-with-glasses
archetype, but thank God they didn’t. She’s unique and so tree-dimensional: her
expressions, her body language, her energy, her optimistic but not childish
behavior. The latter is very important, tbh, because optimistic female characters
are often infantilized and portrayed as too innocent and easy to fool.
Mirabel’s actually pretty mature (emotionally mature, at least), and brave and
strong and soft and loving, and she seems just real, not fitting any defining
archetype/trope that constrains her personality. How awesome is that, folks.