silly AU idea i had, where after casita is rebuilt and every member of the family appears on the front door, the madrigal spouses also get a gift. i like to think the miracle would give Agustin stretchy bendy rubbery body/physical manipulation powers to help offset his natural accident prone-ness, and also give him the ability to hug every single Madrigal at the same time, as nature intended
[ID: Digital fanart of Encanto. Side portraits of each of the members of the Madrigal family are arranged on a page, on top of a pattern, and connected together by a flowing line colored in a rainbow gradient. At the end of the line, “La familia Madrigal” is written. In order: Abuela has a pink candle, Dolores a sound wave and music notes, Antonio the head of a leopard, Camilo the faces of Bruno and his father, Pepa clouds with rain, Bruno a glass shard with a rat, Julieta some herbs, Maribel a butterfly, Luisa a dumbbell and a rock and Isabela a succulent. All but Maribel and Bruno are facing left.]