“A must see clip to understand the level of hate and racism taught to Azeri kids from a young age against Armenians. This is why Artsakh required and requires its independence.”
Someone legitimately tell me, why were the Christians of the 90s right? They were right that there is a certain portion of the population that can’t understand the difference between reality and fiction, that can’t understand fiction cannot harm people, that dangerous and evil ideas written in fiction won’t cause someone to perform said fictitious acts.
I am speaking of course about the way DnD and now Pathfinder are going, censoring vast swathes of the lore and settings to satisfy a mentally deranged, yet vocal minority, this minority saw evil, inhuman races such as orcs and stated without a hint of irony that they’re representations for black people, now they’ve neutered every evil race in DnD, mindflayers aren’t allowed to be a part of a collective Hive Mind, beholders aren’t allowed to be xenophobic, paranoid and racist, and so on, as much as I despised 5th edition, Volo’s guide to monsters was a great piece of lore, harkening back to other pieces of lore, like when 40k or Warhammer Fantasy used to release tome after tome of lore, now a majority of what was written in Volo’s guide is gone, unless you owned a physical copy you won’t be able to get the old, now “problematic” lore.
Paizo bent the knee to 1 freelancer they hired, some mentally deranged loon who got offended that there were rules for 1 city in the entire setting where you can buy a slave, now slavery has been retconned out of the entirety of Pathfinder, no in world explanation, no, just 1 douche was outraged so an entire aspect of the setting gets Thanos snapped, I get it, slavery bad, and I agree, however an absence of slavery isn’t even the norm in reality, I understand you moral busibodies don’t read much or look out the window of your ivory towers, but a majority of the globe still actively practices slavery, unless you live in the west slavery is still very much alive and far worse than before, so why are you robbing the players the ability to play an adventure where they get to stop the slave trade?
Hell, Pathfinder isn’t even realistic in their setting with slavery, only the most evil societies practice slavery there, so what do you freaks have against villains owning slaves? I’ve said this before to other moral busibodies on this site trying to police DnD, stop trying to reduce being evil to being a Saturday morning cartoon villain, God, it’s like they’ve never read history, never understood that even the most evil people in our history had redeeming qualities, Genghis Khan killed 40 million, practiced cannibalism and raped so much a majority of Asia has his DNA, but he created a stable silk road, allowed everyone under his protection to practice any religion they wished without fear of persecution, fostered an environment that nurtured the dining etiquette of ancient China, yet he is still a man who did evil things, a villain can perpetuate the slave trade, even strengthen it, and they can still be written well enough that they won’t be black and white, realistic fictional writing needs both the good and bad of reality, if you can’t handle the bad then you need to fuck off.
I really resent being treated like a toddler who needs to be spoonfed behaviors that are appropriate bc it’s just assumed that I will repeat any modeled behavior
Like I’m sorry y’all DON’T have morals but I’m fine actually and I’ll take my fucked up fiction with an extra side of inhuman atrocities
Which is why should I ever publish a story covering dark themes, I’m ignoring the hell out of these people. God in Heaven forbid villains behave like, yaknow, VILLAINS. They’re supposed to be detestable! It’s totally cool to have a villain with nuance like OP said, but there’s this idea that there’s some things even a villain “shouldn’t” do. FRICK THAT. Villains should be allowed to do what even mainstream people consider reprehensible. THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT. We’re supposed to hate them at the end of the day. We live in this bizarre age of making villains “lovable” and “quirky” and “unproblematic”, but at that point they’re just edgy antiheroes.
Also, people who say stuff like “orcs are black people” reveal their racist mindset when they say stupid ish like that.
For a moment I was pissed and then I realized the sarcasm. Can everyone just look at this and see how these beautiful girls are ENJOYING, yes ENJOYING participating in a cultural tradition and looking beautiful?
*sarcasm* Oh, look at these poor women, soooo oppressed and clearly miserable at having to wear hijabs. Pity they can’t express themselves in their fashions! *end sarcasm*
When I was at community college, I was always amazed by just how FASHIONABLE all the girls’ hijabs were. I mean, these things were just like…all different colors, patterns, styles…And these were not Poor Oppressed Girls In Need Of Rescue By White People. They were freaking beautiful fashionable girls talking on their iPhones and getting their college degrees.
prolifeproliberty has defended JQ-ers and filled the BLM tag with Candace Owens articles on a day of mourning and nearly got banned for spreading COVID-19 misinformation
In fact that was why she originally blocked me
Because I called her out for that
But the hypocrisy here is still notable
– I clearly haven’t blocked you.
– what are JQ-ers?
– the blackout day was supposed to be promoting black voices – I did that.
– I didn’t “nearly get banned” – one post got taken down. I’ve posted much more controversial things since then and had no issues.
– Children do best in a home with a married mother and father. I want adoption agencies to be able to independently set their own criteria for potential adoptive parents according to what they believe is best for the child.
– What I’m approving of here is Hungary acknowledging that mothers are women and fathers are men, and that children need both. Which shouldn’t be controversial, but apparently is.
This isn’t adoption agencies independently setting their own criteria; this is anationwidegovernment mandate, handed down by the Hungarian government. It’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you said you want.
Children, in fact, do best in a two-parent home REGARDLESS OF THE PARENTS’ SEX, it’s the unavoidable NEGLECT that’s dangerous in single-parent households not that there isn’t a peepee or a vayjay in sight.
Also, Hungary is rapidly hurdling towards authoritarianism and tries to get close and cozy with China, hello.
It always surprises me how quick they change the “liberty for all” when LGBT ppl are involved.
This is an authoritarian government, this is extreme government intervention, how are y’all not against this.
Eclectic reception area under a glass dome in Párisi Udvar(Paris Court), a former bank building built in the 1910s which was recently restored and renovated into a luxury hotel in downtown Budapest, Hungary.
Her name was Czeslawa Kwoka, and her crime was being Polish, Catholic, and 14 years old. Her red triangle was for political prisoners, because of where she was born in Poland.
After this photo was taken, she was killed in Auschwitz extermination camp on March 12, 1943 with a phenol injection in the heart. Just before the execution, she was photographed by prisoner Wilhelm Brasse, who would later testify against the executioner of Czeslawa, a woman.
Just before the photo, the executioner punched Czeslawa in the face, as the hematoma on her lip shows. This is the face of a terrified little girl, who didn’t even speak the language of her executioner. She had lost her mother a few days before. But she dried her tears to look presentable for the photo. They took her hair and her life, but they couldn’t take her dignity.
She was only one of about 250,000 children and minors who were executed in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
This is what happens when hatred is cultivated in a nation and thugs gain control. If you don’t think could happen here, you need to read Gulag Archipelago.
These voices were never even heared to be forgotten. With gays, bi, trans, muslims, jews been added to blm, let’s not forget the racism against hindu minorities.
Forceful coversion are normal in Pakistan. Every year almost 1,000 hindu girls are abducted, converted and married off to older Muslim guys.(No exaggeration intended). Another google search will tell u similar attacks, vandalism of hindu temples in Bangladesh.
’‘The ugly reality of forced conversions is that they are not seen as a crime, much less as a problem that should concern ‘mainstream’ (Muslim) Pakistan,“ said Mehdi Hasan, chairperson of the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.
There have been many more cases which were never brought to the public light.
Hindu population in Pakistan is down to 1.6% from 12.9%.