How can he lie like that on National TV?? I just find this shocking. Their ratings have got to be getting hit by this? When you have thousands upon thousands of people there peacefully on the street, picking up their litter, singing, no crimes whatsoever. Then they go home, turn on the tv and this idiot is probably on all of the commie stations spouting outrageous lies.
Oh, you don’t know? Most of the MSM is funded by the government, ratings don’t matter when they’re being pumped with an endless supply of money.
People think the BBC or CNN are bad, imagine this, today, more than 80% of Canadian media is owned by a cartel of just five corporations: Bell Media, Rogers Media, Postmedia, Corus, and Torstar, each of which own dozens of different print publications and television networks under various subsidiaries and affiliates.
And all of them recieve funding from the Trudeau government.
that post about negotiation with hoas by threatening to set up a ham radio tower bc the fcc would back you up will not work at all even slightly but i will say that the blood feud between hoas and ham radio ppl is real & eternal. like if you want to get around hoa rules a ham radio person will probably have ideas
once again thinking about this guys “birdhouse” bc his hoa banned antennas but not “birdhouses”
One time I was helping a ham radio guy with his email and mentioned how I wanted to get into ham radio, but couldn’t because I lived in an apartment. That guy immediately rattled off like, five different ways I could set up a radio antenna inside my apartment, and seven different ways I could hide/disguise the antenna and still get a decent radio signal. Ham radio enthusiasts are a hybrid between boy scouts and wizards and I love them they play an important role in our ecosystem
That awkward moment when 90% of the “refugees,” are military aged males who left their women and children in a war zone. After traveling hundereds, sometimes thousands of miles out of the way to teach European countries instead of traveling to their own often closer Muslim neighbors. And who have already caused unrest, violence, crime, and acts of terrorism within Europe…
Mood indicators from a printable Mario mood chart from Nintendo of America’s official Play Nintendo site. These are to be displayed as signs to indicate the user’s mood.
Swear to gosh, thought that pic of Wario was a reference to that Jew hand-wringing meme and someone was just being a little sh*t. HAD NO IDEA THIS FROM NINTENDO THEMSELVES.
St. Peter denied Jesus at the time of His Passion, and was forgiven anyway when Peter came back to Him.
St. Joan de Arc lied that she *was* bewitched and that she didn’t see any real visions of Jesus, and was forgiven anyway when Joan came back to Jesus.
St. Thomas out of grief refused to believe that Christ did not in fact live again, and was forgiven anyway when Thomas came back to Him.
St. Bartolo Longo left his Catholic faith before spiraling towards satanism, and was forgiven anyway when Bartolo realized the error in his ways and came back to Jesus.
we are all capable of this. it does not matter what you’ve done. turn to Christ. you are a saint in the making.