The primary victims of the witch trials were not young adult pagan women. They were middle aged Catholic (or other Christian) women who had little to no support for their menopausal and/or mental health.
They were also simply ostracized from the youthful cliques that had more social leverage among the community.
^^^Yup! Being older, no longer “pretty,” having your own income (common with trades like midwifery), losing fertility with age, etc all factored into their treatment at menopause. This was on top of their menopausal symptoms that were falsely attributed to witchcraft. Glossing over these real issues for the sake of ~witchy rebellion~ is literally erasure of women’s history.
I learn so much from your blog lol.
Man, women just could not catch a break in those times could they? They were either seen as weak, dumb, and easy-to-manipulate little lambs, or they were man-destroying she-devils with enough guile and trickery to outwit them. Sometimes, somehow, even both at once when it was convenient.