What I’ve seen surprisingly little discourse/research on, from either direction, is whether covid antivaxxers are anti-vaccine in general or just this one. Like, if it’s someone who has refused their whole life to get flu, measles, TB, etc. shots, that’s a very different personality type than someone who only started caring a year ago.
The guy we had to let go for refusing to get vaxed claimed to have never gotten a vaccine in his life, said his family didn’t believe in them. He’s old enough that was definitely playing with fire if true.
This has been researched, actually. They mostly weren’t anti-vaccine before, but GOP tribalism is turning them that way. I can’t find the graph on Twitter right now, but there was a natural experiment where someone calculated the correlation between county %Trump vote and likelihood to get the annual flu vaccine. It used to be a tiny correlation (not zero, because more rural and less educated always meant less vaccinated), and then it started shooting up in the last couple years.
No one I know has ever had a job predicated on getting a yearly flu shot. It’s probably a good idea if someone’s a teacher or a nurse, but they’re not gonna require it at an office job or retail in general. We were also told to lock down for two weeks, or maybe three months, or just to flatten the curve, or just to stop the spread, or just until we had a vaccine, or actually wait that’s two vaccines, actually a booster too, but you have to keep wearing a mask, but not at a sitdown restaurant, and actually the cloth masks don’t work, but keep wearing them anyway, and haha now we’re locking down again but only for small businesses, and you can keep shopping at Walmart and Target, and now they’re talking about 4th doses, and actually just quarantine for 5 days, and we’ve fired a bunch of nurses and we’re soooo overwhelmed by the surge in cases, and so on and so forth.
That kind of jerking people around doesn’t go unnoticed, and I’d hazard a guess that the same people who meekly go along with completely arbitrary rules like those have no problem with just doing whatever their boss or the cops tell them to do regarding their health records. Conversely, there are also people who do things like ask questions about why exactly we need three (maybe 4) experimental mRNA injections without long term safety data in order to get admitted to the grocery store. I guess that’s GOP tribalism for you; just ignore the last 2 years of contradictory, dehumanizing, nonsensical “public health” messaging that’s been crammed down all of our throats. Couldn’t possibly be any of that influencing the way people think.
Love how sharon, the boomercon aunt who loves applebees, has proven to be more skeptical to corporate propaganda and resistant against political authoritarianism when it mattered most than the “I fucking love science” RationalistTM circlejerk.
I find it amazing how this mega important post about actually understanding the other side (that doesn’t actually reach out to anyone on the other side) has totally gone crazy with so many notes at 110 notes, because clearly the left is really interested in intellectual honesty after literal years of guilt by association.
OP, the reason people have been labelled as “anti-vaxxers” this whole time is explicitly on purpose to manipulate people like you into thinking it’s the norm that people against one or two types of vaccines (namely mRNA and Viral Vector) OR against science that break conventional protocol are somehow the same people who think all vaccines cause autism.
This has been deliberate propaganda to create an Us vs Them narrative, and you’re literally the first I’ve ever seen even question where this nuance is, and it’s largely falling on deaf ears within your own circles.
Calling people against the Covid vaccines “anti-vaxxers” is about as logical as calling Jews and Muslims vegans because they don’t eat pork.
What I’ve seen surprisingly little discourse/research on, from either
direction, is whether covid antivaxxers are anti-vaccine in general or
just this one. Like, if it’s someone who has refused their whole life to
get flu, measles, TB, etc. shots, that’s a very different personality
type than someone who only started caring a year ago.
Sorry to be blunt, but this is ignorant. This is an mRNA shot that affects the DNA, reproductive and immune systems; it is not a vaccine, so no, I was never a person against vaccines, and that is irrelevant. I am not against vaccines, but I am against this experimental mRNA shot for the corona virus, which mutates endlessly.
(The term “anti-vaxxer” is a smear; odd how the democrats insist on such terms as “people living with HIV” rather than “AIDS sufferers” but forget to put “people” first when they are talking about any group they disagree with.)
One thing has nothing to do with the other, so no, the fact that I took previous vaccines (or rather, that my parents took me in for them) has nothing to do with my decision not to be experimented on by an extremely untrustworthy and fraudulent group of globalist billionaires pushing “The Great Reset.”
Please pray for a little girl who was just diagnosed with a nasty cancer. They can’t get the tumor entirely out because it wrapped itself around some vital structures. Please also pray for one close friend who was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and another close friend who may have multiple masses throughout her body, but is still anxiously awaiting more test results.
I was SO hyped for the release of Mamoru Hosoda’s BELLE I made art! …But now I can’t see it since omicron closed our theatres. 😂😭 I had to draw something since the OSTs been in my mind a LOT (amazing work from Nakamura Kaho, Ludvig Forssell, & Kylie McNeill nailing the dub – definitely YouTube or Spotify it, it’s SO good! ♫)
Captain Bartholomew Gore and his lovely wife Priscilla. Yes I’m still alive (I think). And yes, WCMI is being worked on. This was a little something after my run in with http://whatwouldwaltdo.tumblr.com/