This year too the time has come to say goodbye to longer nights and start our journey anew towards brighter days. Rebis knows, but she’s too preoccupied with improving her “Pane di Natale” recipe to care
Happy Yule!
(Rebis è il fumetto a cui io e @ivanhoenineteenninetyfour stiamo lavorando, che uscirà per @baopublishing nel 2023~)
hate being the generation that remembers no ads on YouTube & the annoyance when we first saw 1 ad every 10 videos, then 1 every 5 videos, then on every video, then multiple ads within a single video, only for YouTube to market paying for Premium™️ to ‘get rid of ads!’ which weren’t even there at the start
I hate being the generation that remembers when I could easily find episodes of anime and whole ass movies on YouTube.
Hate being the generation that remembers when YouTube videos would buffer when you pause them, allowing the entire video to load and let you watch it without interruption even on slow connections.
Hate being the generation that remembers when YouTube wasn’t flagging people for using copyrighted music, clips, etc in their vids, or any reason at all at this point; and when it wasn’t drowned in politically correct BS.