Many were not so lucky when the hospital would not let them go. Some hospitals even denied a court order. Remdesivir kills and Fauci knew this well. Treat your friends and family on an outpatient basis with the help of the experts at:
In case you need this!
The website above and Most doctors and hospitals won’t prescribe budesonide until a patient is on death’s door, but these doctors are finding it works wonders when used at the first sign of respiratory issues from COVID. It made a huge difference for me when I got sick.
I’ve been thinking about the line said by @netherworldpost recently (recently-ish? what is time these days), the one that goes:
“Gomez Addams has the off kilter look of a man in whole possession of his entire soul”
Because that is such a goal to strive for, in terms of self-possession and self-confidence, but I cannot shake the mental addition of a caveat to the line, which basically goes:
“But only to the extent that he offers his soul, daily, hourly, to his wife, to do with as she pleases, and her responses is always to give it back and say ‘do what makes you happy’.”
Gomez Addams loves his wife completely. Each day he says to her, in every spoken “cara mia,” in every action he takes: “I love you. I would give you my heart; it beats in a waltz just for you. I would give you the moon and all the stars; they cannot compete with your own pale glow but they are the best I can offer. I would give you everything you ever desire and will ask for nothing in return, except for the knowledge of your continued, glorious existence.”
And every day, Morticia Addams responds: “I adore you. Keep your heart and take mine too; it beats in a tango just for us. Keep the moon and all the stars; I couldn’t bear to not see you in their gentle light. I will give you everything you will never ask for, as my only desire is to share my existence with you.”
And that is what romance is, and another goal to strive for.