“monogamy isn’t common in nature blah blah no other ape does this and it’s possessive and unnatural blah blah it’s unrealistic to keep a healthy marriage for 2/3rds of your life blah blah”
don’t care didn’t ask plus after i get married we will die in each other’s arms through the strength of our commitment and love
love when people go “but monkeys do this-” do i look like a mfing monkey to you
“this happens in nature-” great! but this is a civilization
monkeys don’t share milkshakes with curly straws on dates or write poetry to each other across thousands of miles. so while they are cool little dudes and dudettes, i will not be taking relationship advice from them.
i saw some comments on tiktok where people were talking bout how they found tumblr too hard to use and part of it being that there was no lack of dates so “what if you reblog or like something from five years ago?!”
buddy… we have posts circulating still from 2011, its literally just how it is