should be ALOT of Criminal Hearings against Medical staff in the future Starting with the looser Quack Dr. Fauci. Who has never been right about anything since the whole AIDS Crisis.
unfortunately many will die first
Please Watch and Share.
Still, bothersome how so many stories appear, making it seem though it’s a common problem to have a loved one hospitalized with covid…like…”if you have a flat tire….”.when it’s so rare that most of us don’t know anyone who has been hospitalized with it (if we know anyone that has had it and known it without a test to tell them) whatand that, from all research, it usually only happens if there are two or more co-morbidities
A worker on my site’s wife has been in the hospital for weeks now. She was on a ventilator for 10 days and only yesterday taken off. They are slowly admitting she contracted a secondary lung infection from some source within the ICU. She is stable but far from out of the woods. He is wreck and my heart goes out to him in a very deep and sincere way. As his supervisor I can’t voice my opinions openly, and they don’t matter anyhow. What good is my opinion of the how or the why when his wife is dying? They’re Mexican immigrants and he wasn’t allowed in to be with her for the first 10-14 days. He has no power within the halls of whitecoats. It is gut wrenching to see him arrive at work. It makes my soul hurt and the fire in my belly rage.
Remdesivir is like Tamiflu – an antiviral prophylactic, it must be taken from 36 to 48 hrs after first sign of infection NOT after a full blown case has developed – these quacks just want to get paid their kickback blood money instead of curing patients, and they get even more money if they put you on a respirator.
Yet one more Covid atrocity.
They’re all using it to cash in by the billions, big pharma gets a $1250 govt bonus for every worthless PCR test they administer
Most of the US Congress owns big pharma stock. Lots of it.
And big pharma and hospitals get $45-55 THOUSAND dollars for every patient they put on a respirator ( another death sentence, two weeks and 95% of all intubated patients die )
And they get even more money, a $5000 bonus, if they kill you and put Covid on your death certificate
These are all FACTS
It sucks to be a covid victim, but, in the harsh light of truth IT IS NOT A PANDEMIC
the scary graph above they use to spread fear would actually have to be over a hundred feet tall to represent the entire sample of 100,000 with the scary red and blue lines almost imperceptible waaaay at the bottom, DO THE MATH MORONS
99.696% non-fatal
The entire Plandemic Dem-Panic Fake Pandemic is all a hoax, perpetrated to scare the US into allowing mail-in ballots (cuz it’s too dangerous to vote in person) (but not too dangerous to riot, protest – “peacefully protest” my ass, to loot, and burn down cities) (all pardoned by Kamala, and paid for by George Soros) then almost 20,000,000 extra ballots come out of nowhere and the FBI and DOJ (most of the agents appointed by Obama, or under control because they’re pedophiles and being blackmailed – just what in hell was Chief Justice John Roberts doing on the Lolita Express to Epstein’s Pedo-Island ?)— they all did nothing except yell conspiracy theory!
They are using this vaccine to segregate us and discriminate against Americans.
Our government and media are killing people with COVID-19 disinformation. Tumbler censors included – – we need to reopen the Nuremberg Tribunals and see what they think of Fakebook, Twitter, MSNBS, FNN, and Tumblr! – – PLAN-Demic
The latest “conspiracy” news is that Bill Gates is planning on a true pandemic epidemic of bio-engineered smallpox that Will Kill 30% to 50% of those infected ( unless you’re part of the ivory tower elite that’s already been given the antidote they have sequestered away for the chosen few )
Prosecute and Hang Bill Gates
Wow. So much great, great stuff here. Wish everybody knew all this instead of what the CDC pumps out.
“There’s a very long one-take, one-camera shot that lasts for a very long time, and when you’re watching it, you don’t note that. You don’t realize that because they are so magnetic.” — Taylor Swift
Sadie Sink and Dylan O’Brien in ALL TOO WELL: THE SHORT FILM (2021)
Reblogging again, as he’s heavy on my heart today. God, please don’t let ‘em win another win….(I know, it’s supposed to be your will, but I can’t help it…)
history classes when going over the holocaust: -goes over how horrible it was-
history classes when going over what happened what happened to people who lived under communism in the Soviet Union: uhhhhhhhmmm the US had a space race with the Soviet Union hahaha
I can easily say the U.S. EduSystem has failed me miserably. History side of tumblr, please, Iimploreyou, explain.
I’m not an expert, but Stalin killed basically as many people as Hitler did. He also specifically managed the logistics of food to starve parts of the country that weren’t sufficiently cooperative with the goals of the USSR, like Ukraine. He just hid it while Hitler did it much more openly, so the world didn’t understand just how terrible the things he was doing were.
“Managed the logistics of food to starve parts of the country”
That makes it sound like he just didn’t send extra food to Ukraine, which is not what happened. He TOOK food from Ukraine, the most fertile bread basket of Europe to the point the peasants had nothing left WHILE exporting grain to the UK in exchange for funds for his gigantic infrastructure projects.
People were shot if they dared to “hoard” a bag of grain to survive the winter.
People devolved into eating dogs, killing their children and cannibalism because there was NOTHING to eat.
And he did it knowingly because Ukraine is a volatile region that never wanted to be part of USSR or Russia and was the biggest hub of resistance to Bolshevism during the Civil War.
Also most stats gloss over Stalin using GULAG prisoners, mostly over political or petty crimes, to build his massive factories, roads to nowhere and the famous Moscow metro. They died en-masse but he didn’t give a shit.
All this, and people nowadays STILL simp for communism and the USSR’s “glory” days… Like for real…
They say it’s fake Western Imperialist propaganda and that Holodomor was “just a famine, bro” and that GULAGs weren’t “all that bad” and people inside deserved it.
I’ve seen multiple instances of people saying the holodomor was just due to “bad weather.” I dunno what they were smoking.
Ah yes, just bad weather in the most fertile region in Europe at the age where famines were largely eradicated in the developed world.
Please keep in mind that the PPG far predate memes or the superdictionary being used as meme fodder. Craig McCracken just independently read this book and said “yes, that is how a villain should sound, I will make a villain that speaks like this. His dialogue will match the repetitive patterns found in this book and will sound like it came from the superdictionary.”
Okay but does it occur to anyone else that the Superdictionary would actually be an extremely good way of learning English? You get the word in a sentence, an associated picture for guidance, and then multiple different conjugations of the same word all together!