catching up on some more stuff from my Twitter, this is from shark week sketch jam back in July! an angelic angel shark and their pilot fish friends 🦈😇💞
Please keep in mind that the PPG far predate memes or the superdictionary being used as meme fodder. Craig McCracken just independently read this book and said “yes, that is how a villain should sound, I will make a villain that speaks like this. His dialogue will match the repetitive patterns found in this book and will sound like it came from the superdictionary.”
Okay but does it occur to anyone else that the Superdictionary would actually be an extremely good way of learning English? You get the word in a sentence, an associated picture for guidance, and then multiple different conjugations of the same word all together!
I keep drawing gargs. Here’s a recent garg roundup.
[ID: three paint pen and colored pencil drawings of stone gargoyles. The first shows the head, front legs, and torso of a gargoyle hunched on a precipice. The second shows a cat-like winged gargoyle sitting on a platform. The third is of a griffin sitting on its hind legs, with its front legs on a shield. All three are on a black background and are surrounded partially by green ivy vines. The first and third gargoyle are lit from above by a single candle. The second gargoyle is lit from below by several candles.]
A mask/puppet of a green lion devouring the sun, an alchemical symbol representing the dissolution of gold in nitric acid and hydrochloric acid
[ID: a photo of a person in a brightly-lit room holding a papier-mâché
sculpture that resembles a green lion’s face in profile, superimposed on a yellow sun. The person’s face is obscured by the sculpture. There is green fabric hanging behind the sculpture, covering part of the person’s body.]