corgi magic is banned in most public areas, and one of the few dog magics not to be demonstrated in show- allowing your corgi to perform magic in public can be punished with up to $1000 in fines, even before the costs of damage to people and property
Golden Retriever magic is sometimes considered “disney” magic, as they typically attract waterfowl and game birds. this is not always the benefit one thinks it would be, as some lines have a penchant for attracting swans! some, however, attract vertebrates of a different sort. one remarkable individual was given an honorary degree in wildlife biology for her prodigious ability to attract frogs and toads, and is currently hard at work in Costa Rica.
Cats are often thought to be selfish and troublesome, to only use their magic for themselves, and for random but odd favours.
This is not the entire truth.
Cat magic is largely Watch and Ward, which is only observable in what does not happen. Cats are known to protect sleeping humans from danger simply by being present, their lamp-like eyes acting as a sort of n’est pas possible upon all possible intruders, from pests to more deadly threats.
Portuguese water dogs are canine silkies – in deep enough water they transform into curly-haired seals, and when they climb back out and shake off, they turn back into dogs.
The Pekingese’ magic is camouflage – they can change colour to match whatever they touch, whether a blanket, a mossy rock, or even a reflective mirror. This ability originally enabled them to hide in a robe, so their owners could take them into places where dogs were technically not permitted. The classic image of a pekingese is of it sitting outside a building, appearing to be part of the stonework… until it reveals itself to growl at an intruder.
For an obvious example… dalmatians have been bred for fire magic. A properly trained dalmatian will run into a burning building and all the fires around it will go out. Caution is necessary, of course, because they can also do the opposite. Their favourite toys are often a bit blackened, and puppies must be kept in fireproof surroundings, with extinguishers in easy reach.
A world where humans have no innate magic but our pets do.
Cat magic is pretty raw and they mainly use it for getting into places they’re not supposed to. They can be trained if you’re patient, and will sometimes do favours for their owners out if the blue, but only if they want to.
Dogs have been bred for specific magic over the centuries and each breed can do certain things. Showing off your magic is an essential part of a dog show.
Horses come in horse, pegasus, and unicorn, each with their own magical talents.
Fuck knows what birds can do, I don’t trust birds.
no. you must live for her. she demands it of you. how else would you be able to appreciate all these great amphibians she’s finding?
A cat’s protective aura gets stronger in response to affection and respect. If you bond strongly enough with one, you can actually FEEL the magic working, soothing fear and anxiety. They also work in dreams, catching and killing nightmares. Some can do this from several rooms away, while others like to work more closely and will sit on their owners’ chests or heads while they sleep.
Yes please to all of this.
Rat magic: a mysterious multiplication of SOMETHING–food or other valuable resources generally–which can be pretty handy if you don’t mind the nibble marks.
Beagle magic is mostly low-grade telepathy, which is very handy for coordinating a pack hunt, but also makes individual dogs prone to neurosis.
Some cats, like their behaviour of presenting a prey, also sometimes present their owner with a small magical favour. Sometimes this involves a transmuted treat. Sometimes this involves a clumsy owner growing whiskers
What the hell do Corgis do that it is illegal for them to do their magic in public?
Veterinary is hard enough as it is without someone creating flammable Dalmatians oh my god
Pigeon magic: a harmonious home, everyone is loved, no one is left behind, there is always enough food. Hate has no power in a pigeon house.
Cat magic also includes limited, but notable, healing powers, though the cat must choose to use this power freely for it to be effective. A cat’s healing ability may cure all manner of minor ailments, slow the progression of degenerative diseases and speed the healing of more serious injuries, as well as ameliorate flare-ups of chronic conditions. But you can’t demand or expect a cat to perform healing for you, you must bond with the cat closely enough that they WANT to heal you and offer their power unasked. While the warding powers of a cat are passive and depend only on the cat’s physical proximity to function (though a bond of affection strengthens the effect), the healing powers a cat possesses are active and only deployed willfully.
Some dogs are bred for warding as well, a mastiff will protect the home as effectively as a bonded cat, but cannot heal. There are dogs whose magic enables them to detect and alert their owners to illnesses that are undetectable by other means at an early stage when treatment is more likely to be effective, and some dog breeds have magics that can assist with the management of chronic conditions, but none can heal like a cat who wants to.
okay i really wanted to like the new trump-clinton movie because !!! period dramas!! but the costumes are so bad if you know anything about the era like—
• i get that they gave melania trump an older look to emphasize her seriousness but her dresses are way too fifties and not twenty tens enough, corsets had actually pretty much fallen out of favor a few decades before the twenty tens
• hillary clinton was a politican so her makeup shouldn’t have been that neon. that wouldn’t be a thing for like three more decades.
• donald AND bill literally look like they could be from the modern day. people had sleeves back then, guys. even MEN wore clothes with sleeves and no one thought it made them look less manly (also side note if anyone knows anything about history they know that trump and clinton were both like seventy years old when he ran for president. but the actors they used were hot so i don’t really care l o l)
• seriously this upsets me so much when is a costumer gonna be brave enough to put a man in sleeves in a period drama?????? it was a weird time for fashion but that’s just how it was
• (and in the same way, men wore very little makeup until like a hundred years ago WHY do all movies insist on putting all the men in full makeup when that’s not how they looked back then? like yes it looks weird but that’s the past!)
• ugghhh apparently no one told the costume department that strapless floor length gowns were only a formal thing for women. so many background characters are just wearing them all the time. look in the scene in the coffee shop and the barista is wearing a floor length strapless gown. they were actually called “evening gowns” back then because they were only worn in the evening!
• by the way midriff tops were a peasant thing you wouldn’t see anyone in the upper class wearing them of either gender so idk what all of those were doing there
• hillary’s gown at the inauguration ball scene was LITERALLY copied from the wedding dress of an english princess from the eighties. i read somewhere it was because they wanted it to look regal and it was beautiful but like……if you know the era that’s actually a couple decades off, and stuff like big sleeves (at least the women had sleeves in this movie lol) had actually not been fashionable for a while when the movie is set
anyway the acting was good and Donald/Hillary are my historical OTP so that was cute but the costumes really took me out of it :/