easy autumn recipes
- butterbeer
- caramel apple hocus latte
- chai, cider and caramel fall drink
- dates hot chocolate
- deluxe hot chocolate with marshmallows
- homemade hot chocolate
- hot apple pie punch
- lemon and ginger tea
- moroccan style white hot chocolate
- mulled apple juice
- mulled tea
- pumpkin juice
- pumpkin nutella hot chocolate
- pumpkin spice latte
- apple and cinnamon loaf cake
- apple crumble cake
- apple hand pies
- apple and honey challah
- apple pancakes
- apple turnovers
- autumn cheesecake
- butterbeer cupcakes
- caramel apple bars
- carrot cake balls
- carrot and sultana cake with creamy orange frosting
- chewy oat cookies
- chocolate pistachio fudge
- cinnamon roll pancakes
- date and walnut cake
- honey cake
- maple sugar pie
- mini apple and almond cakes
- mushroom meringues
- patterned pumpkin swiss roll
- perfect apple pie
- pryaniki
- pumpkin spice cupcakes
- pumpkin spice muffins with cream cheese filling
- pumpkin spice scones
- soft pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting
- toffee apple muffins
- vanilla and nutmeg baked rice pudding
- aubergine and mozzarella bake
- beef cheek and butternut squash broth in sourdough bread bowls
- butternut squash curry with cauliflower rice
- chicken, leek, and mushroom pies
- coddle with pearl barley
- irish stew
- kiki’s delivery service fish pie
- lamb casserole with aubergine
- leg of lamb m’hammar
- mushroom omelette
- one pot creamy mushroom pasta
- pumpkin risotto
- sausage and bean casserole
- sicilian pasta with tomatoes, garlic, and almonds
- spicy root and lentil casserole
- stuffed eggplants
- vegetable pizza
- veggie pot pie
dips, preserves and sauces
- apple and blackberry jam
- apple sauce
- aubergine hummus
- bessara
- blueberry butter
- country apple sauce
- date jam
- jumbo chilli sauce
- plum jam
- borlotti bean, tomato, and spinach soup
- chicken and barley stew
- chicken and brown rice soup
- chicken soup
- chicken wild rice soup
- curried carrot soup
- garlic broth
- good vegetable soup
- harira
- hearty irish veg soup
- hearty white bean soup
- lentil, chickpea, and paprika soup
- minestrone in minutes
- pumpkin soup
- potato leek soup
- speedy seafood supper
- stuffed pepper soup
- sweet potato soup
starters, sides, etc
- butternut squash, sage, and crème fraîche mash
- champ
- chinese dumplings with mushrooms and butternut squash
- creole aubergines
- colcannon
- mhencha with spicy ground beef (you can get the kiri cheese from any middle-eastern run store).
- moroccan potato salad
- mushroom hand pies
- naan bread
- polish mushroom pasties
- sweet potato wedges
- tuna and beans
- vegetable cigars
Archive for Uncategorized
Me and the girls first night out post-quar:
more monsters !
those are all done with water based tombow markers and a ballpoint pen.♣ shop : http://veeshop.tictail.com/♣
♣ comics website : https://veescomics.wordpress.com/
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I’m doing a lot these days so I don’t really have time to take care of this blog. If you’re interested in more updates, feel free to check out my instagram or twitter
♣ shop : http://veeshop.tictail.com/♣
♣ comics website : https://veescomics.wordpress.com/
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idk what exactly happened in the corporate board rooms of certain US food and cleaning product companies but i love that in a bid to appeal to men they made their mascot chars SO fucking masc
like mission success because these dudes appeal to men alright.
Wait why on earth did you think these were to appeal to men? These mascots were created during a period when shopping, cooking and cleaning were openly considered to be “for women only” and commercials for these products even addressed “you ladies out there.” These were intended to be sexy and attention grabbing for moms and wives, like how beer and cigarettes would use bikini girls in their ads to sell to men. This is to say that men were expected to be away at work while the brawny man was cucking them. Important history.
The last sentence snatched my soul’s weave.
Does anyone ever really know?
Some more werewire!
Kid 1: Hey what are you doing?
Kid 2: *tosses a bike in the river* I dunno I’m just fuckin tossing bikes in the river bro
I really believed the caption was a snarky parody of what was said and not literally the actual dialogue
“I’m not gonna fuck the cat, I promise.” – the spooky bardlock