#oh this is a Baby sound #this is a sound mother cats make when they’re calling to their kittens #it’s not an alarm call #it’s more like ‘hey kids it’s time to travel follow me’ sort of call
Exactly what @followthebluebell wrote! This cat is trying to carry their ‘kitten’ to a new nest. I’ve never seen this behaviour before with a human and it’s hilarious to watch in action.
In many ways, voting Pro-Life makes you worse than a rapist. Forcing women to carry to term is worse than raping them. It is so much worse.
I can heal from the trauma of rape with enough therapy and time. I can’t heal from the damage of pregnancy. It’s permanent. It’s worse to be Pro-Life than it is to be a rapist. Full stop.
Is…is this real?
I lost a few brain cells tf
Evil exists in this world, and it takes the form of those who delight in killing others
Says the pro-slavery person who delights in destroying the lives of girls and women, spreading misery and suffering across the globe. You want to make my blood and bone marrow and organs someone else’s property. You see me as a resource to be used by others. You’re fucking depraved.
You’re the bad guy. You’re the evil one.
You want to enslave women, and you delight in watching women suffer the torture of unwanted pregnancy. You’re a disgusting sadist and the world would be a better place if you were dead.
Hot damn, I must’ve hit a nerve. Not surprised though. The truth often hurts. But I’m not the one calling evil ‘good’ and good ‘evil’. I’m not the sociopath who tells others they’re better off dead and wants to kill “undesirables”. That’s just not who I am as a person. Because, y’know, I’m a normal person with compassion and empathy for others. It’s clear that you’re filled with a lot of anger. I hope that you find peace one day, and maybe learn to see others as fully human, with intrinsic worth equal to your own. I hope that you learn to let go of your selfishness and have empathy for others. I’ll be praying for you
Check out the insane level of backwards thinking these worshippers of a war god who practice ritualistic cannibalism have been brainwashed in to. This man legitimately thinks that wishing on me torture and misery and depriving me of my humanity somehow counts as compassion.
If he had his way, he would delight in my suffering, deprive me of my freedom, inflict upon me grievous bodily injury and lifelong trauma, devastate my existence as totally as he possibly could, and he considers that “compassionate.”
This is because he doesn’t consider me the human worthy of compassion. To him I am just a resource to be used, a thing, an object.
He thinks it is justified to enslave me because of my sex, and he thinks that makes him a good person. There’s nothing more twisted than what such a toxic religion does to people’s minds.
If all these “pro life” chodes really cared about fetesus why aren’t they advocating for mandatory vasectomies? Afterall men ejaculating in women (regardless of her consent) is the root cause of every single abortion. And vasectomies are a reversible, in office procedure that only require local anaesthetic. That’s milder than even some forms of birth control women have to deal with, and certainly far safer than even the healthiest pregnancy and labor. If you truly love the unborn get snipped ✂️
@prolifeproliberty Anything you wanna say to this?
With Halloween approaching and the annual claims of “pagan holiday!” Approaching with it. I’d like to let y’all know that actually Catholicism/Christianity took/borrowed literally nothing from paganism.
Actually it’s the opposite! The pagans were observing the reality of God’s creation and just interpreted it a tad wrong! That’s why so many pagan figures/stories have some similarities to Christian ones! They eventually were told the correct stuff of course, and since it made more sense they all converted 🙂 hope this helps <3
Brief History and Origins of Halloween
The Feast of All Saints was originally only a local feast day to Rome. Pope Gregory III transferred the Feast of All Saints from May 13th to November 1st. Pope Gregory IV then extended this feast to the Universal Church. That is why Halloween is celebrated by Catholics all around the world, but in their own cultural ways.
English, Irish, and French immigrants then brought their own Catholic customs to America.
• Dressing up for Halloween comes from the French.
• Carving pumpkins comes from the Irish, who carved turnips originally!
• The English went door-to-door begging for “Soul Cakes.” They promised to pray for the loved ones who had passed on of those who gave them the cakes. This is how trick-or-treating got started!
These traditions eventually became popular activities for Halloween celebrations in America.
Does Halloween Have Pagan Origins?
Contrary to this popular belief, Halloween does not have origins in paganism, Satanism, Samhain, Druidic festivals, or the occult (supernatural beliefs.)
When European Catholics immigrated to America, they brought their cultural Catholic customs with them. Since America was predominantly-Protestant, these customs were denounced as pagan.
Some Christians claim that Halloween stems from the Celtic harvest festival of Samhain. However, the attempted connection between All Hallows’ Eve and Samhain came over 1,000 years after All Saints’ Day was named a universal feast day. There is no evidence that Pope Gregory III or Pope Gregory IV were even aware of Samhain.
Also, from an Irishmen who actually knows about Irish paganism. Samhain has legitimately no connection to Halloween. It’s not even supposed to be celebrated in October,
Right, why the hell would some Italians know or care a damn thing about what my barbarian ancestors were doing like a thousand years before?
Late but I just love me some correction of theological myths.