I like the implication that Dracula recognizes Trevor as a Belmont because of how wimpy his punches are.
I like that interpretation more. “Ah yes, this bastard, who’s first instinct upon seeing the world’s most powerful vampire was to punch him in the face. Yes, he’s from that family isn’t he?”
Well, considering the last thing Leon does in Lament of Innocence is this, it kinda goes without saying:
I like the implication that Dracula recognizes Trevor as a Belmont because of how wimpy his punches are.
I like that interpretation more. “Ah yes, this bastard, who’s first instinct upon seeing the world’s most powerful vampire was to punch him in the face. Yes, he’s from that family isn’t he?”
*gets punched in the face*
“There’s only one clan of absolute fucking lunatics in this backwater sty crazy enough to see the avatar of evil and throw a haymaker. Belmont, how’re you doing? How’s the family?”
“Hmmmm… I wonder who this strange fellow happens to be. Is he from the Morris clan? The Fernandez clan? The Lecarde? Meh, so long as he’s no-”
I like the implication that Dracula recognizes Trevor as a Belmont because of how wimpy his punches are.
I like that interpretation more. “Ah yes, this bastard, who’s first instinct upon seeing the world’s most powerful vampire was to punch him in the face. Yes, he’s from that family isn’t he?”
*gets punched in the face*
“There’s only one clan of absolute fucking lunatics in this backwater sty crazy enough to see the avatar of evil and throw a haymaker. Belmont, how’re you doing? How’s the family?”
Soft trash man doodles! I have an au idea where he becomes a chaotic street musician and eventually ends up playing live music in the colour cafe (honestly it’s just self indulgent swatchton fluff for myself)