“why the fuck are they so depraved and so rotted that every single thing women do is a fetish for some guy somewhere?” – ritalinprc
The sexual revolution was a mistake.
We should hunt pornographers for sport
Yeah, but pornography made is sooooo much worse, and also socially acceptable to be public about.
okay but consider that women give birth on their backs (painful, unhelpful, leaves to higher rates of complications) due to a mans fetish
whats shes getting at is its part of male culture at this point and has been for millenia, i wont say that porm hasnt made it worse but id really be hard pressed to believe that this all just happened due to porn, porn is a symptom of what happened before even if now we choose to view it as a cause of newer worse symptoms
True. All of these degeneracies existed before pornography. I do believe that pornography spreads it though, and makes things that would normally be simple aesthetics and making them sexual.
Like hair length, color, style, Ect.
There’s nothing sexual about it, guys have just become so cumbrained that they’re trying to find the perfect clip of the girl they find aesthetically pleasing. My own experiences during the bad old days lead to the near complete decoupling of physical traits and physical attraction. Literally the only physical preference I have left is a healthy weight. That’s it. If you’re a healthy weight you have satisfied my single remaining physical desire, and all that’s left is meshing with me well enough we can be the kind of friends who fall in love.
Cinderella rewrite where Cinderella’s father is an unusually successful fisherman due to his secret friendships with the shy and mysterious mermaids, successful enough to attract a moderately wealthy and ambitious bride with two daughters. Once he dies, her stepmother, determined to make sure her daughters inherit the fishing business as dowries by marrying before Cinderella, forbids her from going out on the fishing boats or into town and makes sure she spends as much of her time as possible doing drudgework, hauling offal and cleaning fish. When the Prince’s ball comes around, an important occasion for young women to make good connections, the stepmother forbids her from going, telling her that she needs to get the latest salmon catch gutted and ready for sale instead.
Cinderella’s mermaid godmother calls upon her people to clean the fish and gifts her a dress and shoes of shimmering fish scales that wreathe her in rainbows under the moonlight. She makes an impression on the Prince at the ball so strong that he immediately falls in love with her, and when she’s forced to flee before her stepmother notices her (no masquerade mask or dancing rainbows will disguise her from her own family at close range), the Prince is left with only a delicate fish leather slipper left on the front steps to try to find her again.
He goes around the houses, seeking the owner of the slipper, but Cinderella is once again working in the fish sheds. He stepmother, desperate and determined and having found Cinderella’s other shoe that very morning, realises what has happened and takes a knife to the feet of her prettiest daughter, telling the prince that she suffered an injury that very morning but those are definitely her shoes, see, here’s the other one, and they still fit.
The daughter is pretty and witty and charming, and while the Prince doesn’t feel the same spark and instant sense of connection that he did at the party, he reasons that she’s overwhelmed and in pain and once she’s healed, all will be well. There are no birds to whisper of blood in the shoe – the Prince has seen the bandaged feet already – and the daughter slips on the shoes (the only shoes she has that will fit her, now,) and accompanies him to the palace.
But the stepmother is no doctor, and by the time the Prince gets her to the palace doctors, it’s too late – his beloved has contracted an infection in her feet from the shoe leather, made unclean in its travels. She will survive – it is an infection of a common filth of fish and birds, one that the doctors have potions for for the occasions where dangerously cooked food causes outbreaks – but in her raving, she confesses the whole scheme to the Prince who, furious, returns to the village to find the girl he truly fell in love with, the girl hidden from him.
“Oh, yeah, the fish cleaner,” the villagers shrug. “We don’t see her around very much, she’s probably in the sheds. Her family calls her Salmonella.”
Imagine that being the last spoken line in the film
Sometimes I think about making a Latino retelling of Frankenstein and I’m not even going to lie 75% of the appeal to this would be making the creature look like a calavera and also his name being La Criatura which opens the door to so many jokes bc criatura means both creature and is a term for little kids.
And of course it can also add some juxtaposition, like if Victor’s parents used to affectionately call him criatura and then he is just spitting out the word criatura with contempt to his own creation