AvaLynn was attacked by another student on the school playground. We are fighting for answers and for greater supervision at school.
My friend Lacey Harris’s 5 year old daughter was brutalized by another child on the playground at school this week, in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Her face is swollen and bruised beyond recognition, and the only thing the school can tell her is that they “are investigating”
This sweet little 5 year old girl is terrified to return to school. She is in pain and she has been MAIMED. This needs IMMEDIATE media attention. The school and local news are ignoring the mother’s and loved ones’ cries for help. This family needs justice for what has been done to their poor little angel, and not just to be swept under the rug, as the school district is attempting to do. PLEASE shine some light on this situation and force school administration and news media to get some answers!
The mother has started a GoFundMe page to request help for paying medical bills and legal fees, as it looks as though she’s going to have to pursue this route in order to get any justice at all for her little girl. Please, please, share this link on your page. Even if people are unable to donate, please just help us get the word out on what is going on with this poor family.
This is really heartbroken for me and extremely hard to look at.
This is the link to Ava’s donation page.
Please donate and share and PRAY!
God bless you all!wtf
What the fuck!?!? She looks like she’s been beaten with a bat
Holy crap. Poor girl 🙁 xx
Jesus christ. Did the other kid, like, bash her head against a metal pole repeatedly? That’s horrible.
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AvaLynn was attacked by another student on the school playground. We are fighting for answers and for greater supervision at school.
My friend Lacey Harris’s 5 year old daughter was brutalized by another child on the playground at school this week, in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Her face is swollen and bruised beyond recognition, and the only thing the school can tell her is that they “are investigating”
This sweet little 5 year old girl is terrified to return to school. She is in pain and she has been MAIMED. This needs IMMEDIATE media attention. The school and local news are ignoring the mother’s and loved ones’ cries for help. This family needs justice for what has been done to their poor little angel, and not just to be swept under the rug, as the school district is attempting to do. PLEASE shine some light on this situation and force school administration and news media to get some answers!
The mother has started a GoFundMe page to request help for paying medical bills and legal fees, as it looks as though she’s going to have to pursue this route in order to get any justice at all for her little girl. Please, please, share this link on your page. Even if people are unable to donate, please just help us get the word out on what is going on with this poor family.
This is really heartbroken for me and extremely hard to look at.
This is the link to Ava’s donation page.
Please donate and share and PRAY!
God bless you all!wtf
What the fuck!?!? She looks like she’s been beaten with a bat
Holy crap. Poor girl 🙁 xx
Jesus christ. Did the other kid, like, bash her head against a metal pole repeatedly? That’s horrible.
The White South Africans are facing genocide. They are being killed more than any group in the world, simply because they’re White. The UN recognises that they’re facing genocide but not one UN envoy has been sent in to help the White South Africans. You know why? Because they’re White. Do you see this on the news? Do you see this in your local newspapers or on the radio? Do anti-racists storm South African embassies or speak up about these racial crimes? No. The world has left White South Africans behind.
The White South Africans are facing genocide. They are being killed more than any group in the world, simply because they’re White. The UN recognises that they’re facing genocide but not one UN envoy has been sent in to help the White South Africans. You know why? Because they’re White. Do you see this on the news? Do you see this in your local newspapers or on the radio? Do anti-racists storm South African embassies or speak up about these racial crimes? No. The world has left White South Africans behind.
I just want to use my freedom of speech to tell everyone about a low-key college that not many people know about. In college, rape happens quite frequently when the dean of a school lets students with gang murder charges, sexual assault, assault, and any type of criminal background go to this school with a 100% acceptance rate, New Mexico Highlands University.
When too many criminals are put in one school just because they are so desperate for any type of income and/or a good sports team, the students’ safety are in danger. That is why the college denies it and covers it up. Crime statistics here are thought to be false. Schools that are 4th tier aka low income, low graduation rate, low GPA average, high drop out rate, and highest STD rate are so desperate for money because nobody wants to go there after all the stuff put in the news about the school that they are willing to let ANYONE in, as I previously said NMHU has a 100% acceptance rate for these reasons.
I have had friends who have been raped and assaulted here and I have personally been assaulted. The dean showed no sympathy and did nothing about it. Many girls ended up dropping out of this school and their half-completed education went to waste because nothing is getting done about it. Help spread the word!!!
And this school has gotten sued for racial and sexual discrimination multiple times
This is awful. Please reblog to spread the word about a college that does illegal things to students who try to expose them for covering up crime. They consistently violate student’s constitutional rights claiming that the university laws are different from the court. That is bullshit and court cases from students have proved them otherwise – the more outrage there is, the more likely it is that something will be done about it.
tag #nmhu
I’ve heard about this before and believe I reblogged it, also.
I just want to use my freedom of speech to tell everyone about a low-key college that not many people know about. In college, rape happens quite frequently when the dean of a school lets students with gang murder charges, sexual assault, assault, and any type of criminal background go to this school with a 100% acceptance rate, New Mexico Highlands University.
When too many criminals are put in one school just because they are so desperate for any type of income and/or a good sports team, the students’ safety are in danger. That is why the college denies it and covers it up. Crime statistics here are thought to be false. Schools that are 4th tier aka low income, low graduation rate, low GPA average, high drop out rate, and highest STD rate are so desperate for money because nobody wants to go there after all the stuff put in the news about the school that they are willing to let ANYONE in, as I previously said NMHU has a 100% acceptance rate for these reasons.
I have had friends who have been raped and assaulted here and I have personally been assaulted. The dean showed no sympathy and did nothing about it. Many girls ended up dropping out of this school and their half-completed education went to waste because nothing is getting done about it. Help spread the word!!!
And this school has gotten sued for racial and sexual discrimination multiple times
This is awful. Please reblog to spread the word about a college that does illegal things to students who try to expose them for covering up crime. They consistently violate student’s constitutional rights claiming that the university laws are different from the court. That is bullshit and court cases from students have proved them otherwise – the more outrage there is, the more likely it is that something will be done about it.
tag #nmhu
I’ve heard about this before and believe I reblogged it, also.
Kayleigh Fisher A.K.A. Wangpatang / Wangpertang has gone missing from her home on night of the 1st of December
She was last seen around the Cleveland area, but might be anywhere at this point
Those closer to Kayleigh might already know what prompted her escape. To others, it’ll have to suffice to say that her actions are not her own at this point. Neither her tumblr posts nor running away were actions made by her person, and she did not want to run away from home at all
Please spread and signal boost this if you can, it’s important to try and find her before it’s too late. Thank you
Sharing because missing people are bad and I hope they’re ok.
Kayleigh Fisher A.K.A. Wangpatang / Wangpertang has gone missing from her home on night of the 1st of December
She was last seen around the Cleveland area, but might be anywhere at this point
Those closer to Kayleigh might already know what prompted her escape. To others, it’ll have to suffice to say that her actions are not her own at this point. Neither her tumblr posts nor running away were actions made by her person, and she did not want to run away from home at all
Please spread and signal boost this if you can, it’s important to try and find her before it’s too late. Thank you
Sharing because missing people are bad and I hope they’re ok.
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