Would you like to wake from dreams with a reminder of your inevitable eternal sleep? An alarm clock currently on view at the British Library in London, which is part of the Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination exhibition, is a curious continuation of the memento mori tradition.
After seeing these awesome edits by “thecrownedheart”, I just had to make a few of my own. So here’s a few edited screenshots of our lovely Disney ladies… as men. 😀
After seeing these awesome edits by “thecrownedheart”, I just had to make a few of my own. So here’s a few edited screenshots of our lovely Disney ladies… as men. 😀
Acid attack survivors in India model new clothing range for powerful photoshoot
Survivors of acid attacks in India have become the face of a new clothing range designed by a woman who had acid thrown in her face while she was asleep four years ago.Delhi-based designer Rupa and her friends Rita, Sonam, Laxmi and Chanchal modelled the clothes from her new range, Rupa Designs, for photographer Rahul Saharan.
Rupa suffered extensive injuries when her stepmother threw acid in her face while she was sleeping in 2008.
She was allegedly left without any medical aid for six hours before her uncle found her and transported her to hospital, where she underwent eleven operations and spent three months being cared for.
Acid attack survivors in India model new clothing range for powerful photoshoot
Survivors of acid attacks in India have become the face of a new clothing range designed by a woman who had acid thrown in her face while she was asleep four years ago.Delhi-based designer Rupa and her friends Rita, Sonam, Laxmi and Chanchal modelled the clothes from her new range, Rupa Designs, for photographer Rahul Saharan.
Rupa suffered extensive injuries when her stepmother threw acid in her face while she was sleeping in 2008.
She was allegedly left without any medical aid for six hours before her uncle found her and transported her to hospital, where she underwent eleven operations and spent three months being cared for.
Feminists, you do NOT represent or speak for all women.
YEAH!!! men experience sexism too :’((((( DO NOT PRIORITIZE WOMEN!!! because!!! we all experience sexism!!! like women have lower pay, are disproportionately victims of rape, are dismissed as “being on their periods” when emotional, called hysterical, irrational, discriminated against in fields of science and math and men…………………………………………………….
but like lol I’m not experiencing sexism so feminism has no point lmao
hehe the last one has an asterisk “assumed to be”
there ain’t no assumption in privilege and oppression
Oh you don’t need feminism? So you’re telling me you’ll take the lower pay? The perpetuation of rape culture?
If you’re saying you “don’t need feminism”, then honey, you haven’t met the right feminists.
No, I don’t need your deceitful movement full of inaccuracy and misinformation.
The only chairwoman in the FTSE 100 index of biggest British companies, when asked about government efforts to force companies to make at least 25% of board member to be female said: “there’s no real evidence to suggest women being on a board makes the companies any better – what we’re doing here is forcing an experiment.” This was further supported in the book “Why Men Earn More” by Warren Farrell, Ph.D., examined 25 career/life choices men and women make (hours, commute times, etc.) that lead to men earning more and women having more balanced lives, and that showed how men in surveys prioritize money while women prioritize flexibility, shorter hours, shorter commutes, less physical risk and other factors conducive to their choice to be primary parents, an option men still largely don’t have. That is why never-married childless women outearn their male counterparts, and female corporate directors now outearn their male counterparts.http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0752118220071107?feedTy…
Farrell also lists dozens of careers, including fields of science, where women outearn men. Women simply have more options than men to be primary parents, and many of them exercise that option rather than work long, stressful hours. That is why 57% of female graduates of Stanford and Harvard left the workforce within 15 years of entry into the workforce.http://edition.cnn.com/2005/BUSINESS/03/15/optout.revolution/ This is an option few men have (try being a single male and telling women on the first date that you want to stay home).
Blaming men for women’s choices is unfair. In fact research shows most men have no problem with their wives outearning them. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23413243
Men want protection against false rape allegations. They feel that a man’s life should not be ruined simply on the allegation of a woman who may be a vindictive liar. Currently, a woman can accuse a man of rape for no reason, and the man’s name is splashed in the paper and his life is ruined. So, they fought for laws granting men anonymity until charged with the crime of rape—not convicted, just charged.
Feminists fought against this, causing it to fail. Also see here, the London Feminist Network campaigning to defeat the proposal.
Men want an end to the justice system favoring women simply because they are women, and giving men harsher sentences simply because they are men.
Men want equal treatment when victims of domestic violence, and to not be arrested for the crime of “being male” under primary aggressor policies.
Feminists fought against this by trying to suppress evidence showing that half of domestic violence is done by women, by threatening the researchers with bomb threats, death threats, etc. Modern, younger feminists are doing it as well.
Men want female rapists to be arrested, charged, and convicted with rape. In Western countries, women are rarely punished when raping men, due to the biased legal system. In some countries, women cannot be punished when raping men, since rape is defined as a male-perpetrated crime.
Feminists fought against this in India, arguing that “there is a physicality [in] rape” and that it would make things “more complicated for judges.”
Feminists fought against this in Israel, claiming that changing the law would result in men filing false rape claims.
Men don’t want to be thrown in jail because they lost their jobs and temporarily cannot pay child support.
Feminists fought against this, trying to lower the amount to $5000 before a man is guilty of a felony for not paying child support. If a man loses a decent-paying job, he will now be a felon, go to jail, lose his right to vote, AND be unable to find future jobs—if he cannot regain an equal-paying job within a few months.
Men want equal economic support and help from the government. When the recession hit, male-dominated fields like construction lost millions of jobs, while female-fields like education and healthcare gained jobs. So the government proposed an economic stimulus for those fields.
In 2008, a law was passed in England and Wales that allowed long-term domestic violence victims who killed their abuser to be charged with the lesser charge of manslaughter, but this only applies to women.
In California and Montana, a woman can name any man she likes as the father, he gets a letter in the mail, if he does not prove he isn’t the father within 30 days he is now the father and must pay. He cannot contest it. And DNA tests to prove paternity are not considered proof by the courts.
Women who falsely accuse a man of rape, who would be sent to prison for 10+ years if convicted, only gets fined or a slap on the wrist.
There is also the gender bias in the Probation Departments:
A higher score on the Probation Assessment Tool (PAT) means a recommendation that could lead to eventual dismissal of charges. A lower score means probation or lockup, not to mention the juvenile delinquent tag. [Judge] Hunt claims PAT routinely rewards girls with 14 extra points for gender alone, while boys get 0.
Then there are studies that show women who fail to pay child support are incarcerated only 1/8th as often as men with similar violations.
Forgive me if you’re too bitter to accept that not all women want to associate with a movement like feminism.
reblogging because I think it’s important that everyone see both sides to this movement
Reblogging because I think you’re important
this is very important but unfortunately no one’s going to take any notice
How can you put so much work into something and still be completely ignorant
It’s all very well saying that 40% of rapists are women, but I don’t think you’re acknowledging the other 60% which are men. Feminism isn’t the over empowerment of women it’s about creating a fair and equal fucking community; just because you’re too fucking face value to the word itself to understand its original and ACTUAL meaning, doesn’t mean you have to shit on everything our suffragettes and the international council of women have accomplished for us. Again, if you don’t feel comfortable labelling yourself as a feminist then fine, but don’t proclaim that you’re AGAINST it after all it’s ever done for us.
I’m against feminism. I will certainly proclaim it. The goals and agenda of feminism have made it change into a dramatically different movement compared to what it once was; a movement that I now disagree with. I’m not ignorant for pointing out flaws in something. In fact, it would be ignorant to ignore the flaws and keep pretending like everything is just fine, which is something you feminists just seem to keep on doing out of some false hope that you can still have a solid credible standing in society.
I’m a woman who can make my own choices about what I agree and disagree with. I’ve done my research, I can think for myself. I do not wish to have feminism speaking on my behalf. Don’t silence my voice just because it doesn’t sound like yours.
In a way, she IS standing up for equality. She (which also goes for me) doesn’t care what gender a rapist is or which percentage they’re a part of, all that matters is that justice should be dealt. Also, what exactly is she “sh*tting on”? She’s just going against the demonization of men. Just because somebody supports the other, it doesn’t mean that they’re tearing the other down.
Feminists, you do NOT represent or speak for all women.
YEAH!!! men experience sexism too :’((((( DO NOT PRIORITIZE WOMEN!!! because!!! we all experience sexism!!! like women have lower pay, are disproportionately victims of rape, are dismissed as “being on their periods” when emotional, called hysterical, irrational, discriminated against in fields of science and math and men…………………………………………………….
but like lol I’m not experiencing sexism so feminism has no point lmao
hehe the last one has an asterisk “assumed to be”
there ain’t no assumption in privilege and oppression
Oh you don’t need feminism? So you’re telling me you’ll take the lower pay? The perpetuation of rape culture?
If you’re saying you “don’t need feminism”, then honey, you haven’t met the right feminists.
No, I don’t need your deceitful movement full of inaccuracy and misinformation.
The only chairwoman in the FTSE 100 index of biggest British companies, when asked about government efforts to force companies to make at least 25% of board member to be female said: “there’s no real evidence to suggest women being on a board makes the companies any better – what we’re doing here is forcing an experiment.” This was further supported in the book “Why Men Earn More” by Warren Farrell, Ph.D., examined 25 career/life choices men and women make (hours, commute times, etc.) that lead to men earning more and women having more balanced lives, and that showed how men in surveys prioritize money while women prioritize flexibility, shorter hours, shorter commutes, less physical risk and other factors conducive to their choice to be primary parents, an option men still largely don’t have. That is why never-married childless women outearn their male counterparts, and female corporate directors now outearn their male counterparts.http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0752118220071107?feedTy…
Farrell also lists dozens of careers, including fields of science, where women outearn men. Women simply have more options than men to be primary parents, and many of them exercise that option rather than work long, stressful hours. That is why 57% of female graduates of Stanford and Harvard left the workforce within 15 years of entry into the workforce.http://edition.cnn.com/2005/BUSINESS/03/15/optout.revolution/ This is an option few men have (try being a single male and telling women on the first date that you want to stay home).
Blaming men for women’s choices is unfair. In fact research shows most men have no problem with their wives outearning them. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23413243
Men want protection against false rape allegations. They feel that a man’s life should not be ruined simply on the allegation of a woman who may be a vindictive liar. Currently, a woman can accuse a man of rape for no reason, and the man’s name is splashed in the paper and his life is ruined. So, they fought for laws granting men anonymity until charged with the crime of rape—not convicted, just charged.
Feminists fought against this, causing it to fail. Also see here, the London Feminist Network campaigning to defeat the proposal.
Men want an end to the justice system favoring women simply because they are women, and giving men harsher sentences simply because they are men.
Men want equal treatment when victims of domestic violence, and to not be arrested for the crime of “being male” under primary aggressor policies.
Feminists fought against this by trying to suppress evidence showing that half of domestic violence is done by women, by threatening the researchers with bomb threats, death threats, etc. Modern, younger feminists are doing it as well.
Men want female rapists to be arrested, charged, and convicted with rape. In Western countries, women are rarely punished when raping men, due to the biased legal system. In some countries, women cannot be punished when raping men, since rape is defined as a male-perpetrated crime.
Feminists fought against this in India, arguing that “there is a physicality [in] rape” and that it would make things “more complicated for judges.”
Feminists fought against this in Israel, claiming that changing the law would result in men filing false rape claims.
Men don’t want to be thrown in jail because they lost their jobs and temporarily cannot pay child support.
Feminists fought against this, trying to lower the amount to $5000 before a man is guilty of a felony for not paying child support. If a man loses a decent-paying job, he will now be a felon, go to jail, lose his right to vote, AND be unable to find future jobs—if he cannot regain an equal-paying job within a few months.
Men want equal economic support and help from the government. When the recession hit, male-dominated fields like construction lost millions of jobs, while female-fields like education and healthcare gained jobs. So the government proposed an economic stimulus for those fields.
In 2008, a law was passed in England and Wales that allowed long-term domestic violence victims who killed their abuser to be charged with the lesser charge of manslaughter, but this only applies to women.
In California and Montana, a woman can name any man she likes as the father, he gets a letter in the mail, if he does not prove he isn’t the father within 30 days he is now the father and must pay. He cannot contest it. And DNA tests to prove paternity are not considered proof by the courts.
Women who falsely accuse a man of rape, who would be sent to prison for 10+ years if convicted, only gets fined or a slap on the wrist.
There is also the gender bias in the Probation Departments:
A higher score on the Probation Assessment Tool (PAT) means a recommendation that could lead to eventual dismissal of charges. A lower score means probation or lockup, not to mention the juvenile delinquent tag. [Judge] Hunt claims PAT routinely rewards girls with 14 extra points for gender alone, while boys get 0.
Then there are studies that show women who fail to pay child support are incarcerated only 1/8th as often as men with similar violations.
Forgive me if you’re too bitter to accept that not all women want to associate with a movement like feminism.
reblogging because I think it’s important that everyone see both sides to this movement
Reblogging because I think you’re important
this is very important but unfortunately no one’s going to take any notice
How can you put so much work into something and still be completely ignorant
It’s all very well saying that 40% of rapists are women, but I don’t think you’re acknowledging the other 60% which are men. Feminism isn’t the over empowerment of women it’s about creating a fair and equal fucking community; just because you’re too fucking face value to the word itself to understand its original and ACTUAL meaning, doesn’t mean you have to shit on everything our suffragettes and the international council of women have accomplished for us. Again, if you don’t feel comfortable labelling yourself as a feminist then fine, but don’t proclaim that you’re AGAINST it after all it’s ever done for us.
I’m against feminism. I will certainly proclaim it. The goals and agenda of feminism have made it change into a dramatically different movement compared to what it once was; a movement that I now disagree with. I’m not ignorant for pointing out flaws in something. In fact, it would be ignorant to ignore the flaws and keep pretending like everything is just fine, which is something you feminists just seem to keep on doing out of some false hope that you can still have a solid credible standing in society.
I’m a woman who can make my own choices about what I agree and disagree with. I’ve done my research, I can think for myself. I do not wish to have feminism speaking on my behalf. Don’t silence my voice just because it doesn’t sound like yours.
In a way, she IS standing up for equality. She (which also goes for me) doesn’t care what gender a rapist is or which percentage they’re a part of, all that matters is that justice should be dealt. Also, what exactly is she “sh*tting on”? She’s just going against the demonization of men. Just because somebody supports the other, it doesn’t mean that they’re tearing the other down.
We raised rabbits when I was a child and my sister gave a rabbit a bath (she was 5) and it died..so heed this instruction.
I wasn’t going to reblog this, but then I realized I might save a rabbit.
This is important guys. If your rabbit gets into something gnarly and you HAVE to bathe them: 1. Fill a bowl with warm water. 2. Get a washcloth. Put it in the water. Squeeze it out until it is just damn. 3. Lightly scrub the dirty area on your bun. 4. That is it. DO NOT get your bun wet. Only slightly damp on the part that was dirty. (source)
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