Every time I see this I go “oh, neat pony” and scroll past while my brain chugs through the caption like the slowest computer on earth and I have to scroll back up to it
Love is kind.Lust is cruel, critical, and manipulative.
Love does not envy.Lust seeks more than it earns.
Love does not boast.Lust serves self at the expense of others.
Love is not proud. Lust is easily threatened.
Love is not rude.Lust is disrespectful and thoughtless.
Love is not self-seeking.Lust is demanding and uncaring.
Love is not easily angered. Lust is temperamental and retaliatory.
Love keeps no records of wrongs. Lust does not forget offenses.
Love does not delight in evil. Lust commits wrong to get its own way and rationalizes it.
Love rejoices in the truth.Lust encourages lies and covers up misdeeds.
Love always protects.Lust takes for selfish gain and lacks concern for consequences to others.
Love always trusts.Lust is suspicious and jealous.
Love always hopes.Lust says one chance and you’re out.
Love always perseveres. Lust retreats when it is no longer convenient.
Love never fails (it is constant, enduring, and faithful to the end). Lust ends when self is no longer served (it is fickle, insecure, and unfaithful).
Lust is not a person. It’s a feeling. I’ve no idea why you’ve assigned all of these things demeaning it while simultaneously personifying it.
It’s like saying the color Blue advocates for peace while Red is for destruction. Not logical. They’re colors. They’re not for or against anything. I could just as well state my subjective interpretation to the world of the color Blue being for destruction and Red peace and it will be just as irrelevant as yours when everyone finds the dictionary definitions of these having nothing to do with peace and destruction.
Lust and love are also not mutually exclusive. Lust is not meant to be love because it’s lust, a totally seperate emotion, and the same vice versa. When someone feels that they love someone they say they love them. That’s great. That doesn’t mean lust is demeaning, irrelevant, and undesirable.
Lust: Intense sexual desire
1. Lust is not patient? Ok, but it’s also not impatient. The definition doesn’t even mention a thing about patience; it’s not relevant to the definition. That doesn’t mean one can’t be patient while feeling lust, or impatient.
2. Lust is not kind? No one is saying that it is kind or unkind, because that’s not relevant to the definition of lust: intense sexual desire. That doesn’t mean that one can’t be kind while feeling lust.
3. Lust seeks more than it earns? I’m scratching my head here. Lust doesn’t seek anything. It’s a human emotion. One feeling lust can seek something; that is no reason whatsoever to ascribe the emotion of lust its own goals like it is a manipulative person.
4. Lust serves self at the expense of others? Once again, I’m scratching my head here. Lust doesn’t serve anything. It’s a human emotion. It doesn’t have its own will. A person feeling lust can serve oneself at the expense of others, absolutely. This can be destructive. Look out for these people. A person feeling lust can also be in a positive and concensual sexual relationship which is not at the expense of anyone.
I don’t really think there’s a need to continue here. You continue to ascribe negative intentions to something that isn’t a person. Lust is merely the human emotion of intense sexual desire. It’s not out for people. It isn’t scheming to destroy love. You could just as well exchange the word Lust for another human emotion in your post, Confusion or Joy, and my response would be absolutely the same.
Yes Confusion isn’t patient, but that’s not relevant to the definition of confusion, so it’s a sentence that doesn’t say anything. It’s akin to saying an iron skillet isn’t patient. Ok. No one is thinking the definition of confusion would include it feeling impatient with itself. It doesn’t think for itself nor does an iron skillet. Now the person who is feeling confusion may or may not feel patient, but confusion and patience are not mutually exclusive.
Personification is merely a literary device to demonstrate something or use as metaphor. No one is out here truly believing there’s a literal embodiment of lust or love (tho Jesus is considered one in the Christian faith). This list really displays what ways and how these emotions affect people by using them as actors. Not really sure what this reblog was going for…