“Homemaking is surely in reality the most important work in the world. What do ships, railways, mines, cars, government, etc. exist for except that people may be fed, warmed, and safe in their own homes? The homemaker’s job is one for which all other’s exist.”
At Target, this couple looking like the Great Value “fun-sized” version of Machine Gun Kelly & Megan Fox, was in front of me at the checkout, wearing every fancy designer possible (saw Gucci, Christian Louboutin, Louis Vuitton, & Balenciaga) and had multiple credit cards declined on a roughly $16 dollar charge.
Then start arguing with each other. Loudly. Then at the cashier.
Then tried to get management involved, saying some shit like “the card reader must be broken, shit must be broken, I got money! I got money!”
I moved those pocket sized, cartoon looking & sounding motherfuckers out the way & paid the $16 bucks. They looked dumbfounded, then started thanking me.
I’m now sitting at my desk, waiting for the day to end, realizing I essentially paid two people $16 dollars to fuck off.
I live for the random bullshit you put up with Remi.
“Fairy tales — the proper kind, those original Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen tales I recall from my Eastern European childhood, unsanitized by censorship and unsweetened by American retellings — affirm what children intuitively know to be true but are gradually taught to forget, then to dread: that the terrible and the terrific spring from the same source, and that what grants life its beauty and magic is not the absence of terror and tumult but the grace and elegance with which we navigate the gauntlet.”
A Christian character in a supernatural show who automatically assumes all the beings they meet are disguised demons, except the thing is they’re RIGHT like 90% of the time and the other 10% they’re angels.
Catholic: why am I always the one to bring the paraphernalia???
Prot: because I literally Don’t Own Any I have so many pocket size bibles with fun covers though you wouldn’t believe.
Orthodox: guys it’s chill I’ve brought so much gear.
Catholic: “It’s okay guys, I have Medals and a rosary.”
Protestant: *Bellows “THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!” while chucking an apparently infinite quantity of Gideon bibles down range*
Orthodox: “that’s cute” *rips off shirt to reveal they’re tattooed with the entire Orthodox bible, several hundred crosses, and every Christogram known to man*
not to be like “millennials vs Gen z” ageism but I don’t think it’s possible for a human child to develop normally without having even played leaf stick and rocks? Never made a mud pie or carved sticks into walking staves? Never played with a June bug in a mystery stream all afternoon, or pulled out the hose to make the mud clay softer to build with?
Something has to be weird about the first generation of kids to have almost 100% tactile outdoors play replaced by almost exclusively 15 second meme videos. And that’s not even to say anything about the total disappearance of the middle grade chapter book genre.
of course I had my desktop PC and nintendo and a TV and cell phone but it was impossible to ONLY do that for day. I also had a ton of art supplies, science kits, toys, a bike, a violin, a backyard with a swimming pool, and a library to occupy the entire rest of the day, but it seems like kids just…. don’t like any of that anymore. and the ways that kid tech is used is entirely devoid of creativity and coding.
i feel like the bar is so low that i could raise a child to be an olympic athlete in 15 years just by setting them out in the sun for a few hours each day and giving them a slinky and a slingshot instead of an ipad
Why do witches like always wanna fatten kids up before they eat them?? fat is like the grossest part of meat
Because they’re always cooking said kids in cauldrons and ovens – aka long cooking times at lowish heat. If you do that to fatty meat, the fat melts completely and the meat gets tear-it-apart-with-a-fork soft. If you do it to lean meat, you get tiny little sad meat bits that bring no joy to anyone.
well you did ask
Also there’s wisdom in fattening them up on sweets and other carbs. A meatless, carb-rich diet makes for more tender and flavourful meat.
you are arguing over the semantics of EATING CHILDREN
Well yeah, you gotta get this shit right or it’s a waste of 40-80 lbs of meat.
plus if you feed them a high fat, low nutrition diet, they’re easier to subdue and less likely to run away, which would be a concern for an elderly crone.
Thank you, Old Witch With Candy House side of tumblr.
Pretending like Bill Nye is science man is sport in the media. I don’t care about Bill Nye’s reaction to the Webb images. His reaction is as newsworthy and qualified as yours or mine is.
Can they please get a real scientist to do this kind of thing and not some failed comedian.
Might I suggest
Infinitely cooler and more qualified than Bill Nye
If you’re going to go with someone well known for their scientific knowledge, this is one insurance where Neil deGrasse Tyson actually would make sense considering he’s also an astrophysicist. Not as cool as Brian May, but of the well known stuck up pop science dudes, NdT makes so much more sense than Bill Nye.
Michio Kaku or gtfo.
Above, ‘cos I’ve read his books, and ‘cos he doesn’t have any obnoxious politics. (”Above” meant” Kaku, but I guess if May wrote books as well as making music, it could refer to him, too.)