why do so many people ask why Pokemon like to battle like it’s some big mystery. like, these animals have literal actual superpowers that they can’t use to their full potential in mundane situations, obviously it’s excellent enrichment for them. all I’m saying is that if you tried to give an Incineroar a meat pumpkin it would smash it instantly between its paws while not breaking eye contact
Comedy AU where team plasma wins and N Harmonia is trying to keep the pokemon of unova sufficiently enriched so they don’t turn to crimes. Needless to say, it’s not working and he gradually has a mental breakdown as feral pokemon and ten year olds run rampant– because frankly, ten year olds are fucking terrifying. It ends with him realizing that the pokemon league is set up as enrichment in the fucking enclosure. It is a massive metaphorical meat pumpkin, designed to keep ten year olds and their beasts entertained.