@exhaustedhope I’m gonna cry. I don’t know which of the current emotions is gonna win, but I’m gonna cry. 🤣😱😭🤬😵💫
I will not stand for the Marvelization (derogatory) of Lord of the Rings.
But in all seriousness, like seriously? I would watch the hell out of Bombadil 2: Civil War. Just to see what the hell happens. I won’t even bother with the first one probably.
god i love reading about stupid drama in ancient greece. like there was an athlete named theagenes who was so good at every kind of athletic contest that when he died, one of his opponents would go to beat the shit out of a statue of him out of spite, but then one day the statue fell on the guy and killed him so the greeks took the statue to court for murder, convicted it, and threw it into the sea
actually i left out the best part of this story which is that a plague then struck and when people consulted the oracle at delphi she was like “well you’ve pissed of theagenes” so they had to go dig the statue back up out of the fucking water
Them wacky Greeks
I mean, if you are beating someone something and it kill you, its an obvs case of self defense, ofc theagenes got pissed.
I wonder if there’s a Greek god of good sportsmanship
fellas, does it violate the sanctity of marriage if you make your wife cum?
Fun fact, it was widely believed in the Medieval church that both partners had to orgasm in order for a baby to be made.
^The belief that “women orgasm bad” is likely leftover bunk science from the Victorian era, when many doctors believed that a woman’s orgasm would “burn” semen. So many radtrad heretics act like they would be at home in the Medieval and Ancient Church when they actually act more like Industrial Age, post-Enlightenment Protestants they think they fight against. They’re just extremist fundamentalists with a Catholic gilding on the outside. It’s freaking hilarious.
I read some Victorian sex advice last night and it ended up pissing me off. I can’t even laugh at it. Most of the responsibility and blame fell on the women’s shoulders while the guys were free to whore around in brothels at their leisure. And of course all the bullshit caused numerous harmful contradictions. On one hand women were to be “pure” and “ladylike”, so they must denounce sex as often as possible as it was demoralizing. Yet the men could be as debauched as they liked with little to no repercussions, comparatively. The lack of intimacy that was encouraged in these times, lead to men taking advantage of “fallen women” (aka prostitutes) who didn’t count as “real” women, so they could sleep with them as much as they like. The prostitution business was BOOMING in the Victorian era, and the spread of STDs to wives helped coin the phrase “the marriage hearse” because of the diseases spreading to the wives.
Seriously, I cannot stress enough how ironically regressive the Victorians were and how their teachings are arguably still in effect today. The household was seen as chiefly the woman’s duty while the man had little involvement. Women were responsible for the children, servants (if they had any), the going-ons in the house, and many other things. Which sounds pretty powerful on the surface, and arguably was so in some regards. It’s just a shame that they still weren’t taken as seriously in many areas even with all the demands placed on them. Not to mention the unfair laws that were present that left many women shackled in unfair, if not abusive situations. And if any problems arose, it was, you guessed it, most likely her fault. Not to mention the gross ignorance and negligence of female health.
Here’s some quotes gathered by various marriage books:
“Women must not complain, even if there’s reason to, because the man’s authority is the consequence of sin, the sin of your own sex.”
“Having intercourse for carnal reasons alone is like allowing your husband to use you like a prostitute. A full three-fourths of diseases in women are the result of engaging in non-reproductive sex.”
“Having children under proper circumstances never ruins the health and happiness of any woman. In fact, woman-hood is incomplete without them. She may have a dozen or more, and still have better health than before marriage.”
“It’s in a man’s nature to go searching for a new version of the girl you used to be before you bore him seven children and made the comforts of his home the envy of the neighborhood,”
You get the gist of it. *gag*
I swear to… something, if it weren’t for pretty privilege and the handful of movements and innovations that were actually beneficial, the Victorians would’ve been rejected as ass-backwards neanderthals for all the absolute horseshit they were responsible for. Granted, humans are humans and obviously not everybody acted like this. There’s still some decent advice given along the bad and accounts of genuine love and affection. It’s just….DAMN. Where did these guys get off saying they were “enlightened”? The “Dark Ages” were brighter than they were.