The first part of my geah drawings, that were originally sketched 3 years ago. Since this all became canon now, I kinda got inspired to finish them. Second part Here
The second part of my geah drawings, that were originally sketched 3
years ago. Since this all became canon now, I kinda got inspired to
finish them. Yes, I even predicted a son, but he had slightly floofier hair in the original sketch.
Pitch artwork for Green Eggs and Ham, done by Lauren Airriess. These were used to sell creator Jared Stern’s idea to both Netflix and Warner Bros years back.
Pitch artwork for Green Eggs and Ham, done by Lauren Airriess. These were used to sell creator Jared Stern’s idea to both Netflix and Warner Bros years back.
i’ve been wanting to draw Sam’s Mom ever since we saw her appearance in the S2 trailer, so here’s something i experimented on! i seriously can’t WAIT for Season 2 to finally release, it’s a dream come true :’D