Here’s the thing about gets me about Dylan Mulvaney: if he truly was a woman he would never be taken seriously as a woman. Never in a million fucking years.
But because he’s a man, he’s held up as how womanhood and girlhood should be. His mocking of women and girls is celebrated. I think this is just another subtle way that TRA’s are MRA’a in disguise, trying to tell women “this is how you should act!” While for actual women this would put them right back to the dumb bimbo aesthetic you know they love because it makes us helpless completely.
He’s just a man making life worse for women by putting on this pornified pedophilic display and people eat it up because at the end of the day that’s what they want women to be.
If an actual woman acted like that we’d be mocked and harassed. But because he’s a man and puts on skirts and a falsetto voice and acts like an idiot caricature, he gets to meet the president and talk as an authority on women’s issues which is a complete fucking joke.
Women are not your costume.
I’m tired of it as well. It’s just…so funny how a guy can be vilified for saying something. But the moment he puts on a woman costume, he gets far more praise than even the real ones. And so many progs and feminists are so adamant to stay ahead of the woke curve, that they end up trampling over women to give men a step up all because they “go against the norm”.
It’s lunacy and they can’t even see it. God help you if you point it out.