So I recently got into the wings of fire series *cough cough*, my friends dragged me by the ankles into reading it/J and I felt like designing a random hybrid dragon, so here’s Tango, a rainwing/silkwing hybrid!
Only issue I have is why did the guy with the gun ever lower the gun?
On the other hand nothing is more comedic than this guy going from “fight me irl bitch” to “WHAAAAAAA!!!”
To add further context, the guy who got shot was a stalker of the guy with the gun. There was a restraining order against him and he jumped the guy with the gun outside of his home. There is another angle video where the guy with the gun gave the stalker plenty of opportunity to surrender, he was chased up and down the street by the stalker.
With that said, as happy as I am that the guy defended himself, this video did turn my stomach a little. I pray that I am never in a situation where I have to shoot someone.
You see no chests overflowing with treasure in the sea dragon’s lair, there are only salvaged shipwreck bits and two chubby little creatures splashing around in a shallow nest pool.
over on patreon Gay Spaceship requested some eel-dogs so here are two sunshiny wolf eel cubs! here’s hoping the parents are either super friendly or far away.