Switched up Bruno’s outfit in that one drawing I did earlier and now I can’t stop drawing him in it lol I liked the idea of him wearing normal, non-tattered clothes once he gets re-adjusted to being outside the walls again.
Sidenote.. well, more of a major note. I shouldn’t even have to say this, but I’m gonna say it anyway (and I prob won’t say it again because my hope is that everyone who sees my page will understand) All of my art is P L A T O N I C.
I can’t control where this ends up or how people see it or interpret it, but let it beknown that I.. the original artist.. would rather eat an entire leather sofa than ship any of these family members together. That is all lol
Even more Daddy Bruno! For some reason I love drawing the younger interactions, but I can see Bruno being such a playful Papá before Mira’s gift ceremony. She loves “hide and seek.”
Of course without her mother, she needs to be bottle fed and getting her to fall asleep might require her to have her Papá as a pillow.
i couldn’t not make an encanto animatic from this scene from The Gay Deceivers (1969). sadly, i don’t have a better quality copy on hand (everything was filmed & edited on tektak) so to prove that i made it, here are some stills:
also for some reason, t/umblr couldn’t open any link to the video (believe me, i tried everything), so just copy this instead: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdXLmMbG/?k=1
fun fact: this was my very first animatic too (/^v^)/