
Hehehe time to over analyze the fuck out of this ten second clip!


SO! Firstly. I’m gonna start out this this image of the creators tweet

He said Pepa was the ‘Middle child’ more emotional because JULIETA was the ADULT!

Now, it may just be theory. And it might be literal canon, but its heavily implied Julieta never got much criticism from Alma like Pepa did. Sure. That meant she had a lot of pressure. To ironically, be the ‘Perfect golden child’ (gosh and the fact Isabella was her child ok I’m getting off tract shshsbdh). But typically since her gift was easy, and not problematic. She was probably closer to Abuela. And got less scolding.

Which of course, as the middle child who was ridiculed and forced to repress her emotions, it would make her ‘More emotional’

NOW! Let’s analyze these frames!

their both a little shocked Alma is apologizing. Though Pepa is visibly more surprised, while Julieta looks more concerned.
Maybe cause Pepa never got an apology growing up. Or never saw her do it.
Except when…

‘miss eldest golden child Julieta’ got one.
you see cause now she looks resolute. She looks downtrodden and sad. While Julieta looks the same. Cause Alma has always been closer to Julieta. And Pepa probably assumes that if anything, this apology is just for her Sister.
(but of course she walks forward too cause like. Jsdjjd for music purposes. And also hope. She probably is hoping it’s for her for once. plain old hoping.) which is easily backed up by…


they Both approach her. Yet it’s JULIETA Alma first goes to. She takes JULIETAS hands.
She doesn’t take Pepas hands. LOOK AT HER HANDS. she’s holding them nervousky. Clenched together. Tucked to her chest. She looks so anxious ans sad. Watching Julieta get the love.

Now Julieta is at ease. She understands her mom is fine. And she’s getting a love filled apology. She’s ok.
PEPA ON THE OTHER HAND LOOKS DESTROYED. she’s literally watching them two. Wondering if she’ll be noticed. If she’ll get an apology. If she’ll just be ignored yet again. If she’s even deserving of such high honored only given to the eldest golden child.

THEN RELIEF! Alma has reached out. For once. And it is a shock. Theirs a second she doesn’t move. But then she instinctively leans into the comforting touch of her mother that she was so deprived of. Closing her eyes to relish it. She is final getting the love and appreciation she deserves. (And yes Julieta is happy for her sister. She knows she’s been deprived of what should be rightfully hers)

Confirmation! She makes eye contact with her mom. she smiles. It is real. She can’t believe it but is so happy and relieved! Pepa madrigal is being LOVED!

gosh. This took so much out of me. Thanks for sitting through my passionate and maybe A little obsessive rant. what can I say. I love Pepa Madrigal! 😌

please reblog the hell out of this it took so much energy

Every second of this movie could be analyzed thoroughly and only add on to how great this movie and it’s story and characters are.