Her precious dress is inspired in Colombia’s national flower: The orchid. And most of her color pallete is based in this beautiful flower which is endemic from the upper Magdalena.
It has been considered the national flower since 1936 and one of our main export products abroad!
Encanto and the magical realism
You would think that Encanto is just another Disney, fantasy movie. But in truth, the story follows the narrative of a genre created by one of the most famous Colombian writers, Nobel Prize winner, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and his magical realism. It is defined by its stylistic concern and the interest in showing the unreal or strange as something everyday and common, but with certain precise events that occurred in Latin America still present as problematic and the origin of many narratives
In Isabella’s instance, the allusion to the works of Marquez is found in her character inspiration and plot story: She’s inspired in“Remedios la bella”a beautiful and strange woman, desired by many, but who rejected the perfect suitor for her and refused to marry in one hundred years of solitude.
I hope this helps you to understand the movie better and get interested in Colombia!
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