i’m still working through this myself, so i can’t exactly give you a completely detailed walkthrough or conclusion
but basically it’s a known fact that all matter is composed of molecules and those molecules have a specific vibration frequency depending on what material it is
i knew this, but i never really thought about it much, it kinda got pushed to the back of my brain until i saw this
that really interested me because it reminded me about how all matter vibrates and i thought it made sense that the vibrations could have an impact on things around it even if we can’t physically see or hear it
then what really freaked me out was when i saw this
they literally induced thyroxin overdose effects not with the hormone itself but simply by exposing people to the vibration frequency that that hormone has
now to me, this seems like it would obviously have implications on which types of music we should be listening to; i would maybe lean towards the first picture i showed and say that different people would respond to different music in different ways based on how their brain is already wired
which would explain why some people hate certain music and other people love it; i have to keep looking and see if there’s been any correlation with angry music and people being more aggressive or less healthy and vice versa but this is where im at rn
This is dumb and unnecessary, the real reason is that music is the incorporeal manifestation of metaphysics; that’s why music made in the reflection of the sacred (chant and liturgy) or transcendent (Bach and Wagner) makes you feel spiritually refreshed, and modern music makes you feel shitty
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