


Kirill Sarychev

Video description, translation from Russian:

Tall man with apparently only a towel around his hips: It’s not easy to be a voluminous man and live in a standard apartment with standard bathtubs. Bathtub manufacturers, I want you to consider non-standard men.

Sh-ha! (dramatically takes off towel off his loins, revealing shorts underneath)

Hah! Thought I would bathe naked, did you? Hehe!

(making straining sounds, he climbs into bathtub. In an impressive display of the Archimedean law of displacement, water splashes out of the bathtub, like, everywhere. He props his feet up onto the armature, because the bathtub is too short too comfortably put them in)


(folding his legs over each other) and then you lie down the way you like, lay yourself down, and lie there.

End translation.

I am so sorry for you dude. Gotta mop all that ish up. 🙁