I’ve been wanting to ask this of you for quite sometimes but never did. Can you recommend me some anime? I’ve been away from anime world for quite sometimes. I want to start watching anime again but I just don’t know what to watch. I need to make a list of anime to check out later. Thanks Lily :)
I feel like I’ve been waiting for this question my whole life. Melodramatic queen.
I say this as I haven’t been keeping up with anime seasons since 2015, but I’m still an anime fan so let’s go for a few recs!
Akatsuki no Yona / Yona of the Dawn
I’m starting with this one because I noticed you mean to start it so I’ll just convince you to go for it, lol. Yona is a good transition for someone who has been watching mostly kdrama/cdrama because the scenario is very reminiscent of Korea and the magic aspects can appeal to wuxia fans.
The plot? Oh, the sageuk feels. Sheltered princess Yona’s best friend/first love murders her father to become King, and Yona is forced to flee the palace to save her own life. Together with her other childhood friend and guardian, Son Hak, Yona sets out to find allies
who can help her reclaim her throne – and the dragons from legend who will pledge their lives to her.
It’s wonderful to watch Yona grow. She doesn’t know much of anything, of the world, of battle, but she adapts, and boy, does she adapt.
Natsume Yuujinchou
Natsume is basically my life. At this point in time, Natsume has gathered 6 seasons and if you think that would have lessened its quality, you’d be wrong. It’s still just as touching, universal and magnificent as it was 9 years ago.
High school student Natsume Takashi can see spirits. This has ruined his life since he was a child because everyone is afraid of him, and without parents, Natsume goes back and forth between relatives who don’t want the hassle of raising such a problematic child. Natsume discovers his grandmother, Natsume Reiko, had the same powers as he did and went around making contracts with spirits and collecting their names in a single book called the Yuujinchou – the Book of Friends. He also releases a powerful spirit called Madara – who usually hides in the form of a fat cat.
What makes Natsume so different from all other “boy can see spirits” anime is that it’s very… soft. Natsume could have been a hateful, traumatized child but he’s kind. He will always stop to help, he will always smile, no matter how painfulk it is for him to do so. It is no exaggeration to say I’ve cried in every episode because, well, I have. It shows so many different human emotions, so many connections, lost love, lost friendships, and relationships that can also never be broken. It’s beautiful and poingnant and you will not regret the hours spent on it.
Tiger & Bunny
This is the point where my anime friends, if they see this list, will be laughing loudly and saying, “Yep, that’s Lily, all right”. Because I was obnoxiously loud about T&B in 2011 and I’m still loud about it now.
Do you like super-heroes? Are you tired of anime set in high school? Do you want to see characters struggling to find the essence of what makes them what they are, to find what they truly want to be? Do you like stories of revenge, of trauma, of manipulation, of betrayal? T&B has got your back.
In a world where being a super-hero is a job and some humans called NEXT have developed powers, our veteran protagonist, Kotetsu Kaburagi aka Wild Tiger, in order to cover up for his multiple fuck-ups, is forced to form the first ever super-hero duo with newcomer Barnaby Brooks Jr. The worst thing? Barnaby has the same NEXT powers as Kotetsu – the Hundred Power, a power-up that makes enhances all their abilities a hundred-fold for the span of 5 minutes. Can Kotetsu and Barnaby learn to work together? Can Barnaby discover the truth behind his parents’ murder?
T&B is exciting with great characters and a breath of fresh air for anime fans that have been long tired of being fed the same tropes. So go watch it and join me in my cry for a second season!
Akagami no Shirayukihime
So, let’s say you’re a fairy tale fan. What if I told you Snow White is a herbalist who flees her country to escape the unwanted attention of a spoiled prince, only to fall in the graces of a better, handsome, kind and brave prince who offers her a place in his own country, where she can hone her abilities and use them for good?
That’s the premise of Akagami no Shirayukihime, or Snow White With The Red Hair. If you’re a fan of romance, this is a huge treat. Not only is Shirayuki an icon – telling princes off, doing her own thing, refusing to accept bullshit, but Zen Wisteria, her prince, is so dreamy, exactly the kind of prince you’ve ever wanted to meet. The sweet development of their relationship and Shirayuki’s ascension inside the court is a treat to see, and every character grows inside your heart. This is a must watch.
This is growing huge so I’ll just drop some titles for your consideration now lmao. I stan every single one of them
Aoi Hana (girls loving girls, in the most realistic, human way)
Barakamon (conceited adult makes a huge mistake and is thrown off to live in an island and repent; there, he befriends all the islanders and, especialy, the children)
Chihayafuru (hitting cards off the floor is a sport, and it will make you cry. Trust me on this.)
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (discover the almost lost art of rakugo, an entertaining form of story-telling, and the lives that have been touched by it)
Gourmet Girl Graffiti (cute girls bonding over food. I’m especially targeting @justonehappyvictory)
Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth (cute Japanese girl in France!)
Kids on the Slope (highschool kids learning to deal with loneliness through jazz)
Lovely Complex (tall girl falls for short boy and they’re the most idiots ever, send help)
Maria Watches Over Us, or, as it’s popularly known, Maria-sama Ga Miteru (not as gay as you’d expect, beautiful bonding between girls)
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun (you’d think the most popular shoujo author is a woman… but it’s a high school boy who barely displays any emotion?? Gender roles reversed at every corner! Absolutely hilarious)
My Love Story!! (big guys who look threatening but are sweethearts can love the cutest girls, why not?)
NANA (two girls with the same name meet and share one of the most profound relationships. Do you want to cry? I cry.)
Nodame Cantabile (anime! jdrama! kdrama! enjoy the musical dorks in every media possible!)
Princess Tutu (the fairy tale that will change your life)
Tamako Market (adorable girls and a talking bird being silly in a big market)
The Perfect Insider (a good thriller anime that is so hard to find)
Your Lie in April (yup, this one will make you cry too)
…I think that helps? I DID NOT GET CARRIED AWAY………
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