(Lore is included down further to explain some things I mentioned. Its a bit rough, sorry about that. There was just….so much to go through and I didn’t mention it all for sanity’s sake)
Gender: Masculine
Race: Demone del Carneval – Harlequin
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Height: 7’2" (Humanoid)
Occupation: Righthand of Uomo della Notte/Terrorist
This sarcastic asshole loves a good joke. Life is the true jest, so he believes. He is the very definition of a nihilist and his almost sadistic outlook on life leads him to act unpredictably and seemingly insanely. Perhaps he isn’t truly mad, but his irrational actions may suggest otherwise; his demeanor is chaotic – firstly appearing composed and contemplative, but once he is worked up in the thrill of the moment, the insatiable cackling sees no end.
Typically he appears with a smug air, and is very much a narcissist (and as arrogant as an they come). Lazarro is a true fool, being more brawn over brains, despite what he might have you believe. So when outed for his bluntness on many a subject, he grows invisibly insecure.
He loathes to be wrong and will go on tangents to both justify and prove himself (even if he reasoning makes no sense, often contradicting himself).
(Perhaps if he wasn’t so arrogant he might not be so dumb)
He has a wrathful temper too, but it is rarely seen as he is able to maintains it mostly under control, or because he keeps everything going according to his wants. If utterly aggravated and unsatisfied, his rage is monstrous; it is destructive to not only everyone around him but also himself. This is his greatest shortcoming. By all accounts he is blinded to it, and while physically intimidating, it leaves him vulnerable.
Redeemable points-
Only one. He is highly loyal to his master and takes his every word as gospel. This unyielding trust is a great flaw, and furthers his lack of knowledge and judgment.
The misspelt name? Its purposeful – meaningful – to him. There are many other Lazzaro-s, but only one Lazarro. Him.
In lieu with his chaotic nature, Lazarro likes to refer to himself in both first and third person, as well as in masculine, feminine and neutral language. Its meant to be confusing and he enjoys those reactions.
Lazarro’s only power is his shapeshifting, which allows him to mimic other forms to a complete whole or to slightly tweak his own. To change his voice or stature, or to become a different being entirely.
There are limits however. He can ,loose’ himself within a form, completely becoming his mimic in body, mind and soul. And if he does, he will forget how to shapeshift entirely leaving him stuck in that body.
Related Lore
Demone del Carneval/The Realm of the Carnival (or simply, Carneval)
Carneval is a realm of eternal festivity, and is where all celebration and festive emotion emanates. In it resides the entities known as the demon del carneval, who embody individual aspects of the festival: such as glee, lust, aloofness, song, chaos, creativity, dance, etc.
Each demone is typed upon a commedia dell’arte character, so pierrot, harlequin, phantom, panatlone, dottore, brighella, capitano and columbina – for example. And the mask they wear is thusly based on their respective character; other characteristic signature to their dell’arte counterpart are also unique to each type. For instance, harlequins are almost always black, white and red, with a diamond motif.
Humans and mortal races draw upon the metaphysical realm when they celebrate or party. Adorning masks like those of the demone creates a subliminal link allowing them to draw upon the power and heart of the entity.
Uomo della Notte
A mysterious figure who has a great deal of power within Carneval. He is a literal shadow master, and under the veil of night sends his zanni (harlequin and pierrot) to do his biddings. Slowly, he seeks to corrupt the pure emotions of Carneval and infect the demone with an aggression, turning the realm into a chaotic one.
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