1.) Rape and murder are equal? In what feminist upside down world is that even remotely true. “The murder of a white woman’s body.” She is her body dipshit, you make it sound like he stabbed an already dead body. He didn’t murder a body he killed a person he ended her life, she is gone. You can’t soften the blow of murder by calling a person a body like it’s just a sack of meat that has nothing to do with person. There is no oh no you killed my body but i’m fine though life goes on.
“The murder of a white girl’s soul” Oh fuck off. That’s like calling stealing ‘the raping of my financial well being.’ They are not even close to being equal. Actually when you really think about it this is a really misogynistic opinion. This guy is essentially saying a raped woman has absolutely no value anymore and she may as well be dead. By saying rape and murder are equal crimes you are saying a dead woman and a raped woman are essentially the same thing. No wonder feminists and muslims get along so well. Islam agrees with this sentiment that’s why being raped can get you killed in an islamic nation. Or is that insane and totally not agreeable? Then that means rape is not equal to murder you lunatic ideologue.
Rape is terrible and I’m not denying the psychological toll it can take, but you can recover from psychological scars you can’t recover from being dead. In fact I really hope no rape victims saw this. Can you imagine struggling with that and then seeing people saying you’re basically hopelessly dead inside if you’ve been raped. It’s like telling someone suicidal it never gets better don’t even bother trying to heal it’s pointless. If you have a baby and it breaks it’s arm do you toss it out and try again? Like holy fuck feminists are insane.
2.) Once again progressives jumping immediately to race. It’s not like there could be a hundred other possible explanations. Like number one murder is a much more serious crime. I actually agree 6 months is too lenient for a rape conviction but you are comparing two different crimes committed by two different people judged by two different judges and jumping to the conclusion the discrepancy is because of race.
3.) The justice system is privileged? What? It has a gaze? You are just tossing out feminist buzzwords and hoping they don’t pay attention enough to realize you are not using them correctly.
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