“Um actually there is a difference between being an atheist who murders tens of millions of people and being an atheist who murders people in the name of atheism. Atheists don’t have a dogma to justify the killings.”
Yeah they do idiot, the dogma just tends to centre around them being a holy figure like Stalin or the nutjobs in North Korea. Or like Hitler they just manipulate an existing belief system for their own ends and repurpose it for their beliefs. Or it’s statist dogma that just inserts government into the role of creating and advancing sanctioned moral dogma. Even ignoring that, atheist shooters that target the religious are still motivated by a belief system, just because they don’t get together on sunday and reference one single atheist holy book doesn’t mean it’s not an example of an atheist inspired slaying.
Yeah there are atheists who don’t even really think or care about religion and are just atheist by virtue of not believing in any gods. But don’t pretend there are not tons of atheists who have formed a belief system out of their very specific lack of beliefs. Who form groups and are out there evangelizing just like any religious group does. Who reference Dawkins and Hitchens like prophets, Spamming the internet with little atheist quotes like they were bible verses.
I mean this whole idea that war and violence is only because of religion is an example of such atheist dogma. Getting rid of those violent religious folks is the motivation for mass murdering atheists who target the religious. Obviously war and violence is human nature and would exist whether people were religious or not. But that’s not what the church of atheism wants you to think. Join them and together you can spread the good news that there is no god and you don’t need a god and we can achieve humanist greatness without a god. And soon all shall know that theirs is the correct answer to the great question.
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