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“tumblr the best social media in 2021” no. enough complacency. this site is abysmal. for the last two months desktop tag searches on my own blog returned absolutely nothing. a third of my followers are p0rnbots. to get my theme right I have to manually crop the header twelve times using guesswork and a prayer and then check how it looks in three different places. video posts take ten minutes to even show up. sometimes asks just disappear like it’s the 1800s and your carrier pigeon got eaten by a bobcat. the staff randomly posts cryptic distorted messages?? genuinely on any other site the userbase would RIOT here it’s like oh well guess i’ll spend an hour rewriting the 2 thousand words that got eaten by my drafts. there was a guy fieri arg what the hell was that about
[Tumblr] is an eldritch hell site but it’s our eldritch hell site and other social media platforms are able to make money off the user base while we aren’t profitable. I’d rather rewrite a post than have time time in non-chronological order or be subjected to the BS opinions of an out of touch rich celebrity who I don’t care about and do not follow.
ive been using this image a recently concerning this faesite
because it spits facts, but its a nightmare i aint leaving
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