me and my partner have been obsessed with the unhinged insanity of this video for the last day. I can’t stop thinking about it.
I can feel parts of my body shutting down in self-defense while watching this. The amount of damage food like this does should be criminalized. The sheer amount of dairy in it alone is a capital crime.
I’m reblogging this to find it to use as an appetite suppressant in future.
it just keEPS GOING
Can we talk about this video and how I CAN NOT.
…the fuck.
The “And One More Thing” quality of this reminds me of the Taco Town SNL sketch
i think what makes this one special is how long into the video it remains credibly edible. like “oh it’s pulled chicken. oh, chicken tacos. chicken tacos in a pizza shape? okay sour cream goes with tacos, the mayo’s weird but. hey wait what are you doing with those frying ingredients”
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