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Men are using a powerful hashtag to fight back against emotional abuse
According to NCADV, 4 in 10 people have experienced some kind of coercive control from an intimate partner. Sadly, #MaybeSheDoesntHitYou is raising much-needed awareness for a widespread problem.
This is disgusting. It really is. I hope that people gain awareness of this issue and their own situation and I really hope that we all find better.
I appreciate the hell out of the women reblogging this. As a survivor of such emotional abuse, I know it’s vital for men to step forward and talk about their experiences. The old “man up” narrative needs to die.
Absolutely right. Abuse is abuse, no matter the gender
It’s also very, very important for us women to step in when this happen. Not just if we witness it between a couple but also if we hear friends/family/other women talk about how poorly they treat their male partners. Some of these ladies actually seem proud of their behaviour: don’t let them be that. Step up and let them know it’s unacceptable, even if they’re women.
Emotional abuse is far more normal from women and unfortunately people don’t seem to take it seriously: they just laugh it off because society doesn’t consider women to be dangerous towards men. Words can devastate a person and we can’t let that happen, not towards men either. They deserve protection from emotional abuse as much as women do.
If you know someone who does any of this shit towards their boyfriends, let them know that it isn’t cute or normal:
- Deciding where they go, who they see or what they wear
- Spying or downright controlling their phones and/or social media accounts
- Demeaning or criticising them for no/vague reasons, especially in front of others
- Emotional blackmail of any kind (”if you do X, I’ll destroy your stuff/leave you/hurt myself”)
- Defending any of these actions as if it’s done out of love (it’s not, it’s control so that they can feel better about themselves)
This is just from memory but remember this: if a guy did this towards his girl, would that be okay? If you can say no, then it’s not okay if a woman does it towards her male partner either
Sticks and stones may break my bones; but words may break my heart. 🙁
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