Men trying to sound not horny by hating women is so funny. whenever i hear the word thot or e girl it sounds like an 12th century man saying temptress
@dankleaf this is such a reach. believe me bud literally no woman ever sounds horny when she says incel; you’re projecting your misogyny.
You’re being hypocritical, a woman started the incel term as a way for people [both men and women] to talk about societal expectations on dating preferences but mainstream media and social media spared no effort to turn it into yet another “ew gross men I won’t fuck” which if you notice has the implication that one is horny but not for those men which is what OP is arguing when someone says “thot” or “e-girl”; horny but not for those women which is why I find OP’s take quite lame and uncritical. You don’t have to find someone attractive to disagree with them and the weird assumption men are always horny for any woman is as silly as assuming every woman is horny for every man.
you really just gonna fucking say that WOMEN were the ones who started the ‘involuntary celibate’ movement that men love to throw at women huh??? you really just gonna fucking say that??
you really out here blaming women for this ??? ?? you’re a dumb fucking bitch and you really are out here hating women and boiling in ur internalized misogyny huh
Not “women” but a woman and whether you agree with her rationale behind it like I’ve said, social media and mainstream media have spun this term from what encompassed a lot of people into “men you won’t fuck” which is a tragic and misandrist outlook to view an entire sex worth by whether or not they live up to a woman’s sexy times or some random woman’s approval of what is a “real man”.
You’d know this if you spent a single moment of your time trying to understand who or what exactly you’re calling a “dumb bitch” or “incel” but hey why bother treat men with any respect when you can continue to label them as gross, hold them to random, contradictory standards or even outright shun them. Even Alana in her own hypocrisy has viewed the process of men venting their frustrations “uncool” and “a den of misogyny” because men aren’t people who need outlets but hey its totally cool to see male bashing everywhere 24/7 and that has no effect on men whatsoever and it’s not considered misandry to post “kill all men” “ all men should die” “men have no purpose” and so on just browsing social media, that’s called “venting societal pressures from women”. Just keep treating them like shit and hopefully the male suicide rate would jump higher to your liking, which is already 4 times the rate of which women kill themselves.
>you really just gonna fucking say that WOMEN were the ones who started the ‘involuntary celibate’ movement that men love to throw at women huh??? you really just gonna fucking say that??
>you really out here blaming women for this ??? ?? you’re a dumb fucking bitch and you really are out here hating women and boiling in ur internalized misogyny huh
That’s a lot of angry sputtering, and not one bit of counterevidence, or even anything resembling a coherent counterargument. Heck, you don’t even ask her for proof.
Anyway, most of the uses of “thot” I see are tongue in cheek. Many of the amime compilations are mainly dudes rejecting women who won’t take no for an answer. And when it’s used seriously, it’s usually referring to women who are cheating, not just “temptresses”.
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