So, after that devastating moment in the Rittenhouse trial where one of his victims basically admitted Kyle shot in self-defense, there’s a lot of NPCs trying to retake the Narrative attacking Kyle’s “crocodile tears” on the stand. Webster even made it their word of the day.
And then there’s this scumbag.
Y’know, buddy, maybe it’s not a good idea to compare Kyle to another guy who was demonized by the mainstream left . Someone who also had a normal human reaction to suffering.*
Though in Kavanaugh’s case, it was the threat of having his life ruined based on an unprovable accusation. Not to mention the harassment and death threats made against his family. Which your team’s Narrative never acknowledged.
And also, didn’t your team lose that one?
Like a lot of the Narrative, it’s not about proving Kyle was guilty, it’s just about attacking Kyle.
* The logic is “he took photos with random people and smiled, therefore he can’t be traumatized while recounting the worst day of his life!”
It’s like looking at photos of dudes in ‘Nam and going ‘well, you were smiling in this photo, so how could you have PTSD?”
you only recently found out they were white??? how is that even possible if you’re “perceptive”
Because, as she now realizes, she was stuck in a progressive bubble and wasn’t really looking into the case.
There’s people bringing up that his jury is mostly white too now, ask I got about it noted his case and the Ahmaud Arbery case had near all white Juries.
Judge in the Arbery case didn’t like it and made note of it, Rittenhouse case nobody batted an eye until it seemed like a sure thing that he’s going to be acquitted and they needed a boogeyman to blame for a Latino kid getting away with killing people that were likely going to kill him if he didn’t.
Wait let me get this straight, am I stupid?
Theyre mad at there being a white jury
Because of white supremacy
When the people they’re defending are white
While Kyle is Latino
Is that correct?
Kyle is clearly white but that’s irrelevant af to this situation.
“I looked at him and declared him white, fuck his actual Latino heritage”
Do you also accuse black people of ‘acting white’? You fucking racist ass bitch?
Why do I keep hearing about this “Latino heritage”? His name is Rittenhouse; his whole family is whiter than white. Does he identify with some distant Hispanic relation or is this just some other wacky rumor conservatards are latching onto?
My first name is German and my last name is french.
Does that change the fact that I’m ethnically dutch?
Does the fact that I have white skin negate the fact that I was born in Africa?
You presume to know way too much about complete strangers, from literally nothing but your own assumptions.
Must suck that those you call “conservatards” (not even a conservative btw) are less racist than you
But you’re presuming he’s Hispanic because…? Conflicting police reports? Rittenhouse looks white, sounds white, lives in a 92% white town, born in America to parents who aren’t immigrants, and he portrays himself as your typical red-blooded conservative American. So unless he personally has said something about identifying with distant Hispanic roots I don’t know why you’d presume he’s anything but white.
Well actually I do know – it’s because of the optics of calling him Hispanic instead. That’s literally the only reason you and others are so passionate about it.
>and he portrays himself as your typical red-blooded conservative American.
When, exactly?
>Well actually I do know – it’s because of the optics of calling him Hispanic instead. That’s literally the only reason you and others are so passionate about it.
“The optics”? Funny way of saying “it kicks the legs out from the already nonsensical and unsupported narrative that he’s a white supremacist”.
Kyle’s race is fundamentally irrelevant, I agree. I don’t know why you’re going so hard on it.
“he’s in a town that’s mostly white, so he can’t be a minority”
They really think that was a gotcha?
“he looks white and sounds white so I’m gonna call him white”
Ok racist
Amazing how minorities are oppressed until they do something you disagree with. Then suddenly they’re white
It’s literally, factually, the complete opposite of “suddenly they’re white” because your only evidence of his supposed Hispanic heritage is a single conflicting early court document that came out after the shooting.
So more accurately your post should read:
“Amazing how literally everyone would call him white without a second thought until he got in trouble. Then suddenly he’s hispanic.”
All because him being a “minority” would be convenient to you. You’re no different than the media you hate lol.
No, because that would mean that I’m supposed to take “I think he looks white” as evidence. Fuck off dumbass
Ahh but assuming he’s a “minority” so that you can say he “suddenly became white” is totally logical and definitely not agenda driven. Who exactly are you trying to fool?
I bet you tell lightskin black folks they’re “acting white” when they don’t speak in ebonics too huh? Fucking clown 🤡
“you can’t deny my claim of him being white without it being agenda driven!” Stop projecting
Just because we’re beating you at your own game doesn’t mean we’re cheating
As a light skin Mexican magister can suck an egg.
Ok so alot of these points are fair but didn’t we forget the itsy bitsy tiny little detail of Kyle ritten house being accused of being a white supremacist and this originally being abt some one not knowing that the people he shot weren’t even of a different race than his not to mention the main things that differentiate races is skin colour and how they act because of the culture they grew up in neither of which Kyle has Any large amount of Latino colour look or act and abt the post saying this WASNT A CASE ABOUT RACE it was about the morality of his actions not the colour of his skin.
>Ahh but assuming he’s a “minority” so that you can say he “suddenly became white” is totally logical and definitely not agenda driven.
Why, yes, it is agenda driven. The agenda of proving Kyle’s detractors was wrong about something. Which it is. Which I don’t think Maggie’s ever acknowledged that one of his team’s favorite accusations for Kyle was wrong.
I’m not sure he’s ever explicitly acknowledged it at all.
Ironic that he says this while he’s clearly driven by an agenda to score points.
Notice how magister thinks Kyle is clearly and obviously white and always has been and says that this means the race he “suddenly” became is Hispanic, but gets the timing of that so completely and utterly wrong.
If magister is correct that Kyle is white, then the court record from the traffic interaction that lists him as Hispanic did so based on the assumption of the officer that wrote that report.
So we have to ask the question: why is he white when acting in self-defense but Hispanic when pulled over?
If he’s so OBVIOUSLY white, why would the cop think otherwise just from looking at him?
Why is that now likely than Kyle having told the cop his race or having it listed in some previous record that the cop simply referenced for his own report?
Chris is going really hard on the “he couldn’t possibly be Hispanic and therefore my side isn’t actually wrong” thing, even though the ‘white supremacist’ thing has even less evidence than whether or not Kyle is Hispanic.
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