People are always talking about Bruno’s telenovelas, but why isn’t anyone talking about his rat paintings?! The man is an artist and knows how to work with his hands.
Yes, yes! You’re right! Somebody has written about it before, though, but let me do it now. He can draw wonderfully! Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to see the drawings on the wall, but you can still see the Vitruvian man rat and other rats in various outfits.
But what the cartoon shows us best are these three drawings of him.
And they are really not badly done! Just look, he didn’t forget the shadows the players cast and the reflections of candlelight on the floor! But it’s the smiling sun that really makes me smile the most!
So yes, Bruno definitely has a talent for drawing! But other than that, let’s also pay attention to some things in his room that he probably made himself: it’s a rat maze, a ladder (?) with indentations (I don’t know what to call it in English, lol), a barrel chair, and probably his desk.
He did it all himself! He thought out what it should look like, how to implement it, and he did it all! This guy’s got some golden hands! I love him so much!
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