Please do your research! There is so much misinformation out there and a lot of lies.
Everyone should know the truth so please try to know as much as you can so you can spread awareness and help!
Free Palestine🇵🇸✌️
Time to address the two sides to whats going on and not just one. saw this on twitter today and feel like people should get both sides on whats going on. Peace to the Palestinian and Israeli people. they don’t need what is going on right now especially with the pandemic. Screw both their fucking governments. @rootsmetal(I tried to contact them via insta for permission to post, but no luck)
also missing: remember how Jews were expelled from the area? Yeah. Many of the areas Jews returned to were originally Jewish… before they were OCCUPIED for millennia by people who stole Jewish homes and businesses when the Jews were ethnically cleansed from the area / forced into diaspora. how are indigenous people returning home colonizers?
not to mention Judaism is an indigenous agricultural religion based on the lands Jews originated from – so for ppl saying “it’s been 2000 years, why do you want to return” consider whether you’d say the same to Native americans who want to return to the lands they consider sacred.
also re: temple mount / al aqsa and dome of rock – if you’re wondering why the controversy, it’s bc the Temple Mount is where the 1st and 2nd temple were built (and where many religious Jews believe the 3rd temple will be built when the Moshiach comes). The dome of rock was built on the ruins of an ancient Jewish religious site and al aqsa on part of the historical temple mount area. Typically supersessionism is a christian thing but in this case, the
construction on top of the Jewish temple is an example of
Muslim supersessionism. it’s not the fault of modern-day Muslims that their site was built over someone else’s, yet obviously it’s upsetting to Jews that they had their place of worship destroyed and deliberately built over to try to wipe out their ability to worship (historically Jews didn’t have synogagues etc, everything was centered at the one Temple) and to erase / conquer them.
Israeli settlers need to leave the land they took, restore any homes or trees or etc they destroyed or altered, and pay reparations for the 70+ years. Jews are indigenous to many parts of the Israel/Gaza/Palestine area, yet they do not have the right to take parts that were not theirs. Just being indigenous isn’t blanket consent to do anything you want to other indigenous people.
those who occupied historically-Jewish areas of Israel after Jews were ethnically cleansed(those who weren’t just killed) from them during diaspora also need to leave and pay reparations for the 2,000+ years of occupation of stolen Jewish homes and property. Just being indigenous isn’t blanket consent to do anything you want to other indigenous people.
And finally… if you’re claiming that antisemitism in the middle east is solely antizionism.. kindly look up the many pogroms and genocides against middle eastern Jews prior to modern israel. antisemitism has a long history in the middle east. many of the highly-praised public figures of the arab world, in pre-modern-israel times, were incredibly antisemitic. the grand mufti of jerusalem was a literal nazi. he was a personal friend of hitler and actually traveled to europe to help recruit ppl for the nazi party, and even toured concentration camps. this was before the idea of israel had even been proposed. antisemitism is a time-honored tradition in the middle east and it far predates the modern state of israel.
Red the entire post, not just the nice little info graphic. And then go do some more reading outside of tumblr. Because if you think you’re going to understand this conflict just because of what tumblr says, then you’re entirely wrong. The conflict is long, and complicated, and goes well before modern colonial states.
Always some woke, ignorant poser trying to oversimlplify a seriously complicated issue for virtue-signaling clout.
^^^This dude is right, do some extra research OUTSIDE of Tumblr. As a matter of fact, do more research out of anything you read.
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