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PinPals was an idea born out of staying in touch with friends and family across the globe but in a more unique way. Remembering back to our days in elementary school where we had penpals from across Canada, we thought what better way to make staying in touch even more fun, by also sending an enamel pin alongside the letter.
With the world still not back to complete normalcy, this has definitely been an enjoyable way for us to stay in touch with friends and our friends have built up quite the collection of pins.
Don’t want to send a letter to someone and just want to buy yourself some awesome pins? We do that too 😊
Ahh this is such a cute idea! @hellomotorobot expect something in the mail from me soon!
Does anyone want to be my PinPal? 🥺One of my close childhood friends who now lives in Sweden and haven’t spoken to in awhile just sent me this cute af Moomin Pin!
A few people have reached out and mentioned that we didn’t include a link to our website in our original post. Here it is: www.pinpals.ca
Uhhh guys, they have an entire Studio Ghibli collection. Casually freaking out right now….💳💥💳💥💳💥💳
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