If you can’t understand why that’s a dig, let me put it another way:
“I don’t understand why I’m considered arrogant for thinking that I’m temporary; insignificant; I’m a blink in the cosmic eye, and that it’s existed long before me and won’t remember me very long. I’m arrogant for that, but the Christian who claims that he is the reason the universe exists is humble in his ideology.” Aron Ra
Dude, like, no.
We’re blades of grass and grains of sand, man. There’s nothing in Christianity claiming humans have some great importance by our own merit; God just has incredible attention to the smallest parts of His creation. He’s a loving, wonderful, amazing God who crafted a ginormous universe and still cares so much about the inhabitants of one small out-of-the-way planet that He literally submitted to death to save us from ourselves.
The ‘dig’ that the headline is going for is pretty obvious, but falls short because most Christians already ponder our own relative insignificance on the grand scale of things in order to have more wonder for the love that God has showed us in caring.
True. I guess it depends on how you view the word “have”.
one hand “have” could mean that He made the whole Universe literally
just for your sake. On the other, it says how He did all these wondrous
things and accomplishments, which eventually led to the relationship
between Him and man and his subsequent worship of God.
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