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White People: “You blacks need to get over what we did to you. It was so long ago and it wasn’t even that bad. So what if us honest hard working christians could attend a lynching after church, where’s the issue in that?”
this shit was happening like 40 fucking years ago
hell this shit STILL HAPPENS
mind blowing
The fact that he has on a u.s. army sweatshirt is just
…..these two guys (including Army sweatshirt guy) were helping the one guy escape a white mob
there’s another photo of them helping him walk away to safety
who knows what really happened, history is all fucked up.
history is incredibly fucked up and the 1943 race riots in Detroit were incredibly fucked up
but the second photo is much more clear about the interactions between these three. Source on the 2nd photo was an issue of Life magazine from the time.
Well done Tumblr. You posted a picture without context and made two of the nicest people look like complete monsters.
Well they have a narrative to push so
Tumblr….Tumblr never changes.
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