And yet, the second a piece of media is even remotely pro-LGBTQ+, the exact same assholes sharing this will probably all be throwing tantrums because they’re “so tired of seeing gays in everything”. Then they’ll backpedal, and start posting shit like this again to cover their asses.
i think it’s telling when a post like the op is made and the notes contain slurs and people using “sjw” strawmen to make a point. legitimately saw the phrase “get woke, go broke” in there.
also audiences do hate diverse stories. they hate diversity. my mom doesnt hate any show that contains gay people because it’s bad writing. she just hates gay people. bigots will complain about anything involving them and to dismiss that and claim that the Only problem people have is “forcedness” is ridiculous.
So you’re gonna complain about bigots as if they are the only ones who could possibly dislike badly written gay romance?
yes <3
Do you have any examples of people disliking a gay couple, but would like it if it was straight?
Can you name one? One that doesn’t involve gender bender?
Yes, I do believe anyone can be racist against anyone. Yes, I do believe that taking pride in whoever you like to fuck is pointless.
What of it?
yes i can: your mother and i
So nothing. Your entire argument is void and you know it, which is why you hide behind smug mockery and feigned superiority.
the argument i made or the argument you responded to? because those are two totally different things lol. excuse me if i dont want to make you a 60-slide powerpoint and dig up points that you have no intention of taking seriously in the first place. i don’t do debates with devil’s advocates.
im feigning nothing, fyi. I’m just genuinely superior to this
I didtinctly said YOUR argument.
You said there were gay couples people dislike, but would actually like if they were straight. You provided not one legitimate example.
Tell me where I misunderstood.
Oh look, an SJW who acted smug and intellectual got challenged and had no actual defense or backup. Even used the “I’m above this, but I’m still trying to get the last word” tactic.
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