For reference if anybody doesn’t know what “MS-13″ is, they’re an international criminal gang with a heavy presences in southern California, mexico, D.C., New York City, Boston, and other major urban centers. They are directly responsible for thousands of murders, rapes, and kidnappings in the last decade or so alone. Their initiation rituals mandate that members kill a rival gang member and endure a savage beating.
When people say “this is why Trump won” THIS kind of shit is what they’re talking about. If you’re so hopped up on tribalism that you honest to God root for gangs of violent, abhorrent criminals just to virtue signal about how much you hate your opposing party, you need to go to a fucking shrink and learn what the word “priorities” means.
Somehow I doubt Republicans would have had this response if Hillary had been elected and said the same thing.
Guess she doesn’t care if her daughter’s beheaded…(brutal truth calls for brutal truth…or is it hyperbole calls for hyperbole?)
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