
Today was a fairly productive day, at least on the UI side of things. I started the day working on a way to select spells from within the game.

I made a little UI to popup on top of the player in a way that the player could select their spells. Might change it later, but it’s fairly simple and works for now. The spells are on a cross form to match the buttons configuration of the gamepad, so it will be easy to know which button corresponds to which spell.

When you select which spell you want to change it opens the full list of spells in a grid of 12 spells per page. I ended up setting the spell information on the bottom so you can easily see which one is currently selected.

I then went on to work on the player hud, to display the current spells and cooldown times.

Going within the health-bar idea of having it in the world-space following the player I tried placing the cooldowns of the spells underneath of the health bar… but it wasn’t looking quite right. Tried a couple of different things, but none quite looked right. Was talking with Kristina and she suggested having a regular “corner of the screen” hud with a potion serving as a health bar.

I’ve been playing with shaders lately using Amplify Shader Editor and I remembered that one of the examples was for UI Shaders, I opened it and saw it had 2 wobbly rays on it. So I started messing around with the wobbly rays code and ended up being able to create a “filling” wobbly shader 😀

With that I set up a new corner UI with the buttons in the gamepad configuration. I made them circular so the players will more easily associate them with the gamepad buttons at a glance. I also added little DOTween shakes when the spell is available again and changed the border color to white when it’s available so it’s easier to know if it’s available or not.

This is the final result of the day, polished the spell selection scene a little more, adding little arrows showing whether or not you can go to another page.

Tomorrow I can stop messing around with UI for now and go for either spell tasks or enemy tasks… After reading this “question” I figured that I should setup a proper sprint with real goals and timelines… I believe a good goal would be

4 different enemies, 1 boss, and at least 8 fairly different spells (not all just projectiles). So I’ll start working towards that goal for the next 10 days.